Graduate Seminar Series

Each graduate student is required to attend and participate in the Graduate Seminar Series. The seminar is held weekly, with attendance being taken. Each student is required to attend a minimum of 75% each term, throughout the duration of his/her program.

Each Ph.D. student is also required to present a seminar each year, as well as act as a Facilitator for other seminar presentations.

The Ph.D. student's presentation may be considered as a presentation for his/her supervisory committee (to tie in with the yearly progress). It is therefore important that an supervisory committee member for each individual student (in which he/she serves on the supervisory committee), attend the seminar presentation.

Graduate Milestone

The graduate seminar will appear on each student's academic record as a milestone, which must be satisfied prior to completion of his her program.

Seminar Schedule

The seminar schedule is finalized at the beginning of the fall term, for both the Fall and Winter terms. The list and schedule will available in a secure online site. This list may be subject to change so it is advisable for each student to check regularly. Weekly notifications are also sent through the secure site.

Seminar Guidelines

Seminar Evaluation