Ayan Sadhu Honoured with Western Engineering Award of Recognition

Western Engineering is thrilled to announce that Ayan Sadhu, associate professor in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has been awarded the Engineering Award of Recognition for his extraordinary contributions to establishing and developing the Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) laboratory.

This accolade highlights Sadhu's unwavering dedication and exceptional efforts in creating a world-leading laboratory that significantly advances interdisciplinary teaching, research, and innovation.

ayan"I am extremely honoured to receive this prestigious Engineering Award of Recognition at Western Engineering,” said Sadhu. “I would like to thank the award committee and the entire Western Engineering community for their consideration and support. It is my great pleasure to receive this award for my contribution to the establishment and development of the SCC laboratory in Western Engineering."

Sadhu spearheaded numerous initiatives that profoundly benefited the Faculty of Engineering. He collaborated with over 30 faculty members from various disciplines to secure nearly $1 million through Western’s Strategic Priority Fund. This funding facilitated the establishment of the SCC laboratory, strategically located in SEB2038, with plans to relocate to the new engineering building upon its completion.

The SCC laboratory stands out as one of North America's unique facilities, equipped with advanced sensors, data acquisition systems, mobile robotic platforms, visualization devices, and computing resources. It serves as a central hub for interdisciplinary teaching and collaborative research across engineering, science, and social science disciplines.

"This laboratory houses various cutting-edge sensing technologies such as drones, ground robots, actuators, IoT sensors, lidars, augmented and virtual reality devices and other data acquisition systems and high-performance computing, enriching our students' hands-on experience and experiential learning, creating a next-generation Canadian workforce for our society,” elaborated Sadhu. “I am confident that our new engineering program (i.e., Artificial Intelligence Systems Engineering and Smart Cities) and university-wide collaborative research in SCC will take a big leap with the SCC lab in upcoming years." 

Abdallah Shami, professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering agrees. "His visionary leadership and collaborative approach have not only advanced our research capabilities but have also enriched the educational experiences of our students." 

Echoing Shami's sentiments, Ashraf El Damatty, chair of the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, emphasized the transformative impact of Sadhu's leadership. "Under Sadhu's guidance, the SCC laboratory has become a hub for interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering a culture of innovation and excellence."

Beyond engineering, the laboratory's resources extend to the department of geography and environment in the Faculty of Social Science, where drones are used for crop monitoring and urban mapping. The department of biology in the Faculty of Science employs underwater drones and virtual reality glasses for shark monitoring and underwater object study, enhancing in-class demonstrations.

The SCC laboratory has also captured attention during outreach activities such as Open House and Fall Preview Day with his demonstrations inspiring numerous high school students and their parents to consider pursuing engineering studies at Western.

The lab has also gained significant popularity among summer research students and high school co-op students, as reflected in their enthusiastic letters of support.

A representative from one high school’s co-op program said Sadhu’s “dedication to bridging the gap between theory and practice is truly commendable” as the SCC laboratory provides invaluable hands-on experience for students, preparing them for success in their academic and professional endeavours. 

Sadhu's journey to this achievement has been supported by many. "I’d like to thank Dr. Abdallah Shami and Dr. Ashraf El Damatty for their valuable nomination and support. Many thanks to my numerous colleagues in my department, faculty, and university, as well as my national and international collaborators, the Western Academy for Advanced Research (WAFAR) theme, industry partners and external funding agencies including the Canada Research Chair program for their continuous support,” he said. 

He added: “Special thanks to Western’s Strategic Priority Funding for providing financial support for the establishment of the SCC laboratory and I would like to dedicate this award to my family for their years of support and patience."

Sadhu's pioneering efforts have not only established the SCC laboratory as a cornerstone of Western Engineering's strategic development but have also enriched the educational, academic, research, and innovation landscape for the entire Western community. His recognition is a testament to his outstanding contributions and unwavering commitment to excellence.