Western welcomes Canadian Academy of Engineering to campus for annual conference


Western Engineering is set to host the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) for its 2024 Conference and Induction Ceremony. This event will showcase the collaborative efforts of CAE Fellows in addressing some of the most critical issues facing Canada and the world.

The conference, scheduled for May 27-29, promises to be a hub of innovation and knowledge-sharing. Attendees will engage in several panel discussions on cutting-edge topics such as the disruptive force of AI and machine learning in reshaping engineering disciplines and the potentials and challenges quantum computing presents to the field of engineering.

We are absolutely delighted to host this great event," says Jesse Zhu, Western Engineering professor in the department of chemical and biochemical engineering and CAE Conference co-chair.  "This is the first time in the recent history that CAE has its annual conference in a university setting."

"We are having a historically record high number of registrations so far and we look forward to a great conference!  I would like to thank the Local Program Organization Team, co-chaired by Andy Hrymak and Ying Zheng.”

Discussions will cover the journey of cleantech innovations from the lab to practical applications, exploring the next-generation batteries for electric vehicles, and strategies for reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions in infrastructure. Panels will address the roadmap for creating resilient buildings and examine how the changing nature of severe summer storms impacts engineering design.

A special session will delve into the history and future of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, providing valuable insights into the organization's past achievements and future goals.

Donna Strickland, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2018), will deliver the keynote lecture. Strickland's talk will describe her Nobel Prize-winning work on chirped pulse amplification and how that led to a new type of laser-matter interaction that is referred to as high-intensity laser physics.  Mark Daley, Western’s Chief AI Officer, will also deliver the second keynote lecture on “Engineers in an AI Soaked World.

This year's conference introduces a new program: the Fellows Showcase Workshop, a platform for Fellows to present their latest research and innovations, fostering deeper connections and collaborative opportunities within the engineering community.

One of the highlights of the conference will be the induction ceremony, where 53 new Fellows will be welcomed into the Academy, recognizing their significant contributions to engineering in Canada and beyond. Among the new inductees are three representatives from Western Engineering, Joshua Pearce, Tony Straatman and Maike Luiken.