

Aug 2024 Congratulations to Brandon for successfully defending his PhD proposal. 
July 2024 Saiedeh and Amirhosein have published two papers on fracture of zirconium hydrides and residual stresses in additively manufactured alloys. 
May 2024 Congratulations to Masoud for recieving an award for his research on zirconium at CANDU Fuel Channel Seminar.
Feb 2024 Congratulations to Karim for defending his PhD thesis sucessfully. 
Jan 2024 A new paper from the group on 3D-XRD and CPFE:
Sep 2023 MSDL welcomes three new memebers: Dr. Darshan Chalaphati (PDF), Amin Ghanbari (PhD), and Cheng-Hao Liang (MESc).
Sep 2023 A new paper from the group on hydrogen embrittlement:  
Aug 2023 Congratulations to Steven for receiving the first place award in poster presentation for summer research students. Read more here. 
July 2023 Alireza joins Candian Nuclear Laboratories as a new Grad Scientist. Read more here
July 2023 Amirhossein receives the best oral presentation award at NSERC's Hi-AM conference on Addittive Manufacturing. 
Apr 2023 Congratulations to Alireza for defending his PhD thesis sucessfully. 
Feb 2023 EBSD analysis of Zr-2.5Nb CANDU pressure tubes, a new paper from the group:
Dec 2022:  A new paper from the group: CPFE modeling of dislocations and hydrogen diffusion
Nov 2022 Congratulations to Saiedeh for defending her PhD proposal sucessfully. 
Aug 2022 In-situ neutron diffraction and additive manufacturing of Hastelloy-X, a new paper from the group:
Jul 2022 Congratulations to Alireza for winning the best oral presentation award at the Canadian Materials Science Conference, which was held at the University of Toronto. 
Jul 2022 A new paper from the group: Modeling the interactions of hydrides
Jun 2022 Congratulations to Ahmed for defending his MESc thesis sucessfully. 
Apr 2022 Congratulations to Bolin Fu for passing his comprehensive exam and defending his PhD proposal sucessfully. 
Apr 2022 Congratulations to Omid Sedaghat for defending his PhD thesis sucessfully. 
Jan 2022 Alireza's paper, on the effects of microstructure on hydrogen diffusion towards notch tips, is out: 
Dec 2021 A microstructure-sensitive damage model, a new development from the group:  
Oct 2021 Karim just finished conducting a 6-day experiment at Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source. Many thanks to Drs Shanks and Das from FAST beamline for helping us conduct this experiment.
Sep 2021 MSDL welcomes a new PhD student, Saiedeh Marashi
Aug 2021 Congratulations to Omid for the successful "MITACS Accelerate Lab2Market" application. Omid will be working on a spin-out from the group
July 2021 We are in the proces of installing a state-of-the-art Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope and High Resolution Electron Backscatter Diffraction Detector in our Lab.
Jun 2021 Several members of the group presented their research at CMSC 2021, Kingston, ON. Karim received the best poster award, congratulations Karim!
May 2021 MSDL welcomes several new members: Kian Khaksar (PhD), Bolin Fu (PhD), Brooke Bidyk (research assistant), and Ruhi Celik (summer student). 
Feb 2021 We just spent six days conducting an experiment using extremely brilliant X-ray at ESRF. Many thanks to Dr. Jon Wright who helped us collect our data remotely. Alireza will be busy with processing more than 36TB of diffraction patterns. Good luck Alireza!
Feb 2021 News from the group: Looking inside the metal to find a better future, and Western News.
Jan 2021 New paper from the group on formation and annihilation of twins: 
A behind-the-paper summary of the experiments we conducted at ESRF.  
 ESRF News: Tracking how engineering materials deform to extend their lifetime.
Dec 2020 Alireza's paper is out- quantifying hydrogen concentration in the vicinity of zirconium hydrides:
Nov 2020 Congratulations to Alireza and Karim for defending their PhD proposals sucessfully.
Nov 2020 Karim's paper on matching 3D-XRD results with those from EBSD is out:
Oct 2020 Omid's paper on the development of a nonlocal CPFE model is out:
Sep 2020 Congratulations to Abdulla Alawadi for defending his MESc thesis successfully. 
Aug 2020 MSDL welcomes a new graduate student, Ahmed Aburakhia, who will be working on multiaxial deformation of HCP polycrsytals.
Jul 2020 New paper from the group on the nucleation of twins at the early stages of plasticity:
Dec 2019 Congratulations to Colin Versnick for defending his MESc thesis sucessfully.
Dec 2019 We had our first visit to Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) and conducted synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments. We now have 15TB of diffraction patterns to analyse!   
Nov 2019 New paper by Abdulla on the measurment and modeling of micro residual stresses in zirconium crystals in three dimension:
Sep 2019  MSDL welcomes two new graduate students:Alireza Tondro and Prashant Shelar.
Aug 2019 Congratulations to Karim Louca for defending his MESc thesis sucessfully. Karim will continue to PhD starting in September. 
Apr 2019 Congratulations to Omid Sedaghat for passing his PhD comprehensive exam and defending his PhD proposal successfully.
Feb 2019:  Congratulations to Karim Louca for winning in MME poster competition! 
Jan 2019 Harshal Gala joins the group. He will conduct his MEng project on deformation of materials under muti-axial state of stress
Dec 2018: Our most recent research on stress-assisted hydrogen diffusion and precipitation in zirconium alloys is accepted for publication in International Journal of Plasticity: The paper is available at: DOI:
Sept 2018:  MSDL welcomes a new graduate student, Abdulla Alawadi, who will be working on deformation mechanisms of CANDU pressure tubes.
Aug 2018:  Congratulations to Colin Versnick for defending his PhD proposal successfully and passing his MSc to PhD exam.
Jul 2018: A letter by Omid & Hamid from Western and Dr. Yi Guo from The University of Manchester: CPFE modeling of the stress fields at the vicinity of twins and comparison with in-situ High Resolution EBSD measurements. Click here to see the paper
Mar 2018: New paper accepted for publication in International Journal of PlasticityAbdolvand, H.*, Wright, J., Wilkinson, A.J., “On the state of deformation in a polycrystalline material in three-dimension: elastic strains, lattice rotations, and deformation mechanisms”, Vol 106, 145-163DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2018.03.006
Feb 2018: We spent a week at ID-11, ESRF, and collected more than 4 TB of diffraction data while deforming zirconium and magnesiumKarim will be busy with post-processing the data. Good luck to him! Jon Wright and Marta Majkut provided tremendous support during the experiment. Our Magnesium samples were prepared at ENSAM with the help of Dr. Charles Mareau.
Jan 2018:  ** Results of our recent research on HCP polycrystals are published in Nature CommunicationsThe paper is available to public at DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-02213-9 (Featured in Western News).

** Release of data-set: 3D-XRD and HR-EBSD data in support of this article are openly available at DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1042139

** CPFE results are also included in the data set.


Dec 2017: MSDL welcomes three new members: Omid Sedaghat (PhD)Karim Louca (MESc), and Dylan Harris (4th year undergrad).
Sept 2017: New facilities are added to MSDL! See more...
May 2017: Gamal Assad joins the group. He will be working on experimental analysis of localized deformation.
May 2017: New MESc student joins the group! Colin Versnick will be working on the deformation of solid state batteries.
A report by Dr. Ben Britton, from Imperial Collge London,  covering the "life behind the scenes" for Yi's recent paper
New PhD student joins the group! Loabat Shojaie Kavan will be working on the deformation of Inconel X-750. 
Paper by Yi Gou: Growth of twins in titanium: A combined experimental and modeling investigation of the local state of deformation.
Paper by Ahmed Elmesalamy: Application of element birth & death technique for modeling torch traveling in an autogenous welded 316L steel and comparison with neutron diffraction measurements.