Research Team

Hamid Abdolvand 
Canada Research Chair and Associate Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng.  

2023- present:Canada Research Chair
2022- present: Associate Professor 
2017- 2022: Assistant Professor 
2013- 2016: Postdoc at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. Supervisor: Prof. Angus Wilkinson 
2012- 2013: Postdoc at the University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. Supervisor: Prof. Philip Withers 

2008- 2012: PhD, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. 
Supervisor: Prof. Mark Daymond 
2001- 2007: MSc and BSc, Iran University of Sceince and Technology.
Research Mechanics of materials across length and time scales- both modeling and experiment. Fatigue, fracture, and (irradiation) creep.   Finite element, crystal plasticity, and dislocation dynamics. Synchrotron x-ray, neutron, and electron diffraction/tomography.
External Links




Google scholar ;  Research gate ; 







Tel:   +1 (519) 661 2111 Ext 88016
Fax: +1  (519) 661 3020


Zahra Zaiemyekeh

Postdoctoral Research Associate


Co-supervisor N/A
Research Dr. Zahra Zaiemyekeh joined MSDL in 2025 as a postdoctoral research associate. She earned her PhD from the University of Alberta, where her research focused on bridging the knowledge gap in understanding the microstructure-property-performance relationships of additively manufactured alumina ceramics through experimentation and multiscale finite element modeling. At MSDL, Zahra's work focuses on investigating the fracture mechanics of ceramics under both room and elevated temperatures, leveraging a combination of in-situ experiments and multiscale finite element analysis.


Sandeep Kumar Sahni

Postdoctoral Research Associate


Co-supervisor N/A
Research Dr. Sandeep Kumar Sahni is a computational materials scientist specializing in molecular dynamics simulations and the mechanical behavior of materials. He completed his PhD in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2024, focusing on the sintering and deformation behavior of Fe-Ni alloys. Proficient in simulation tools like LAMMPS and Atomsk, he is passionate about exploring the physical and mechanical properties of materials through advanced computational methods. Sandeep’s research at MSDL focuses on micromechanics of deformation and fracture of multi-layered ceramics for Small Modular Nuclear Reactors. 


Saiedeh Marashi

PhD Candidate 

Co-supervisor N/A
Research Saiedeh's reseach focuses on the micromechanics of fracture of polycrystals. She received her BSc and MSc degrees from Sharif University of Technology in civil engineering and structural engineering, respectively. Before joinig MSDL in 2021, her field of study was mechanics of materials, computational mechanics and more specificaly, micromechnics of defects in solids. 


Bolin Fu

PhD Candidate

Co-supervisor Prof. Robert Klassen 
Research Bolin's research focuses on the high temperature application of metal alloys used in Small Modular Nuclear Reactors. Bolin got his bachelor's degree from Hefei University of Technology and received his MESc from Western in 2020.


Masoud Taherijam

PhD Candidate 

Co-supervisor N/A
Research Masoud is currently working on advanced CPFE modeling of hydrogen diffusion in metals and alloys. He obtained his MSc in Structural Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, and his BSc in Civil Engineering from K. N. Toosi University of Technology. Before joining MSDL, he studied augmented continuum mechanics and wave propagation in solids.


Amirhosein Mozafari

PhD Candidate (Direct PhD program)

Co-supervisor N/A
Research Amirhosein's current project focuses on additive manufacturing of nickel superalloys used in gas turbines and advanced finite element modeling. Before joining MSDL in September 2022, he studied and published papers in the area of energy absorption and crashworthiness behaviour of thin-walled structures.


Brandon Kuo

PhD Candidate (Direct PhD program)

Co-supervisor N/A
Research Brandon's research focuses on investigating the effects of hydride precipitates in zirconium alloys using in-situ synchrotron X-ray and electron diffraction techniques coupled with finite element modeling. Brandon joined MSDL in 2022 while completing his BESc at Western and joined our direct PhD program in 2023.


Ala Amin

MESc studnet


Co-supervisor N/A
Research Ala joined MSDL from the University of Windsor and received her BSc from Al-Zahra University. Her research focuses on the temperature-dependent diffusion of atoms in anisotropic polycrystals.


Nicole Martyniak

MESc studnet


Co-supervisor Prof. Yolanda Hedberg
Research Nicole’s research focuses on stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of candidate alloys for small modular nuclear reactors (SMR). Nicole has a BSc in chemistry from Western University where she did her thesis on corrosion protection of steel. She joined MSDL in September 2024. 


Khaled El-Sobahi

MESc student 

Co-supervisor N/A
Research Khaled's current project focuses on in-situ nano-indentation of metal alloys. Khaled holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Lebanese University and joined MSDL in September 2022.


Cheng-Hao Liang

MESc student 



Prof. Sterling St Lawrence


Cheng-Hao’s research focuses on the micromechanics of zirconium hydrides. He received his BESc from the National Taiwan Ocean University, and joined MSDL in September 2023.



Alireza Sedighi

MESc student 





Alireza's research focuses on the fracture mechanics and deformation of ceramics and polycrystals at room and high temperatures. Alireza got his BSc degree from Amirkabir university of Technology and joined MSDL in May 2024.

 MEng Studnets: 

 Tapas Bhavsar and Jonathan Fernando (2023)

Undergraduate Students:  Angus Ricketts (2024-2025)
 Research Assistants: 

Sofia Di Stasi

Previous members of the Group
Student Year Degree/Role Supervisors  Project Destination
Darshan Chalapathi 2023-2024 Postdoc Abdolvand High temperature testing for SMRs Alleima (Sweden)

Karim Louca 2019-2024 PhD Abdolvand  3D-XRD of notched Zr Canadian Light Source
Alireza Tondro 2019-2023 (Direct)PhD Abdolvand CPFE of zirconium hydrides   Canadian Nuclear Labs 
Omid Sedaghat 2018-2022 PhD  Abdolvabd  A nonlocal CPFE model  PDF, McMaster University 

Ahmed Aburakhia 2020-2022 MESc Abdolvand Additve manufacturing of Hasetlloy-X PhD, Western U.
Prashant Shelar 2019-2021 MESc Abdolvand/Butler Dental materials N/A
Abdulla Alawadi 2018-2020 MESc Abdolvand Residual stresses in CANDU pressure tubes Moalajah plant, UAE
Karim Louca 2018-2019 MESc Abdolvand 3D-XRD and stress analysis of HCPs PhD, Western U.
Colin Versnick 2017-2019 MESc Abdolvand/Sun Deformation of all solid-state batteries E-One Moli Energy (Canada) 

Some of the previous MEng and undergraduate students (total of 17 students)
David Ilgert 2021-2022 MEng Abdolvand Modeling zirconium hydrides Wolfe Heavy Equipment
Yufie He 2021-2022 MEng Abdolvand EBSD analysis of HCP alloys Manaflex, Taicang, China
Harshal Gala 2018-2019 MEng Abdolvand Design of a multiaxial deformation rig  Veoneer

Brooke Bidyk 2021-2022 BSc Abdolvand Modeling the interaction of hydrides Kinectrics 
Ivan Ho 2020-2021 BSc Abdolvand  Modeling hydrogen diffusion  Ontarion Power Generation 
Zekun Wang 2020-2021 BSc Abdolvand Zirconium hydrides MESc Student at Western 
Ahmad Al-Mutairi 2019-2020 BSc Abdolvand Formation of delta Zirconium hydrides Imperial Oil
David Kim 2018-2019 BSc Abdolvand Hydrogen and zirconium Bruce Nuclear Generating Station
Dylan Harris 2017-2018 BSc  Abdolvand Hydrogen and zirconium Royal Military College of Canada
Gamal Assad 2017-2018 BSc Abdolvand Hydrogen and zirconium Orgashell