Engineering Now :: Volume 5 - Edition 3 :: November/December 2008

Western Engineering wishes you and your family a safe and happy holiday.
Awards & Accomplishments
The University of Western Ontario honoured its student-athletes who achieved 80 per cent or better in the 2007-08 academic year at the annual Academic Awards Luncheon at The Great Hall on December 5. (more)
Western engineering undergraduate student Mark Cicero received the 2008 Minerva James Ham Safe Design Award at the Industrial Accident Prevention Association’s national Health and Safety Conference and Trade Show in Toronto in April 2008. Minerva recently asked Mark to share his thoughts both about the award and about health and safety in university curricula. (more)
Brigitte Heddle from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has been busy organizing various events within the Faculty of Engineering to help raise funds in support of the United Way. She organized a team of 18 members for the annual United Way Stair Climb and hosted a Trivia Event in the Engineering cafeteria. (more)
DIG London, the digital games cluster in London, Ontario, hosted a games conference event from November 27-28, 2008. This two day conference focused on opportunities for young people to enter the industry as well as providing an opportunity for Ontario game industry leaders to explore industry issues, network and seek new business opportunities. (more)
Slobodan P. Simonovic, PhD., PEng, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director Engineering Studies, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction at Western has received a new research grant entitled, “Climate security - the implications of the impacts and response strategies of a changing climate for Canadian health, economic and social security," with an interdisciplinary team including G. McBean, B.Pratina, C. Trick, E. Riddell-Dixon, and D. Cunnighan. (more)
The University of Western Ontario machine services technician Brian Groot ran five marathons in six weeks to raise money for Team Diabetes and to push his physical limits. (more)
Can robots become eyes and hands of surgeons?
Don’t be surprised if the next time you need an operation, the doctor conducting the surgery is not in the same room – or, for that matter, in the same city. (more)
Don’t be surprised if the next time you need an operation, the doctor conducting the surgery is not in the same room – or, for that matter, in the same city. (more)
Waste-to-fuel machine near market-ready
Chemical Engineering professor Franco Berruti speaks about potential uses for farm waste. Using a mobile pyrolysis unit developed with colleague Cedric Briens, Berruti can convert leftovers from crops into fuels, food additives and pharmaceuticals. (more)
Chemical Engineering professor Franco Berruti speaks about potential uses for farm waste. Using a mobile pyrolysis unit developed with colleague Cedric Briens, Berruti can convert leftovers from crops into fuels, food additives and pharmaceuticals. (more)
WORLDiscoveries Research Showcase
Western Engineering has partnered with the Faculty of Science and the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry to present WORLDiscoveries (TM) Research Showcase on January 30, 2009 from 11 am – 3 pm at the London Convention Centre. The research showcase is an opportunity for business and industry partners to explore more than 100 displays on innovative research at Western and meet scientists advancing work in eight key areas: Neuroscience/Brain and Mind , Imaging, Materials and Biomaterials, Wind Engineering and Natural Disaster Mitigation, Fluid Mechanics, Mathematics and Modeling, Computing, Information Technology and Robotics, Biological and Biomedical, Environment, Sustainability and Green Energy. (more)
Western Engineering has partnered with the Faculty of Science and the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry to present WORLDiscoveries (TM) Research Showcase on January 30, 2009 from 11 am – 3 pm at the London Convention Centre. The research showcase is an opportunity for business and industry partners to explore more than 100 displays on innovative research at Western and meet scientists advancing work in eight key areas: Neuroscience/Brain and Mind , Imaging, Materials and Biomaterials, Wind Engineering and Natural Disaster Mitigation, Fluid Mechanics, Mathematics and Modeling, Computing, Information Technology and Robotics, Biological and Biomedical, Environment, Sustainability and Green Energy. (more)
Making a Difference
Recent gifts to the Faculty of Engineering
Western Engineering has received three recent gifts from three different donors, supporting the efforts of our students, infrastructure and research. (more)
London Hydro makes donation to Green Building
London Hydro is donating $50,000 for technology and the research and development of alternative energy projects at the Claudette MacKay-Lassonde Pavilion at The University of Western Ontario. (more)
London Free Press article
Green building waste diverted from dump
The construction crew on the Green Building project, Hayman Construction Inc., went the extra step to ensuring a 'sustainable site' by purchasing reusable coffee mugs for all the workers. (more)
Western reviews capital project needs
In the face of a broad economic downturn the university is reviewing its list of building and renovation projects to determine which should move ahead as planned, and which should be delayed. The Claudette MacKay-Lassonde Pavilion (Green Building), the Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources are set to continue.
(more) Painting for World Vision
Month of October 2008
Fall Preview Day
November 15, 2008
Polar Stick Bridge Competition
November 20, 2008
Fall Awards Ceremony
November 20, 2008
National Conference On Women In Engineering
November 21 - 22, 2008
Montreal Massacre Memorial Ceremony
December 5, 2008
Faculty, Staff and Graduate Student Holiday Dinner and Dance
December 5, 2008
Western Engineering has received three recent gifts from three different donors, supporting the efforts of our students, infrastructure and research. (more)
London Hydro is donating $50,000 for technology and the research and development of alternative energy projects at the Claudette MacKay-Lassonde Pavilion at The University of Western Ontario. (more)
London Free Press article
The construction crew on the Green Building project, Hayman Construction Inc., went the extra step to ensuring a 'sustainable site' by purchasing reusable coffee mugs for all the workers. (more)
In the face of a broad economic downturn the university is reviewing its list of building and renovation projects to determine which should move ahead as planned, and which should be delayed. The Claudette MacKay-Lassonde Pavilion (Green Building), the Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources are set to continue.
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
HERE to view Western Engineering's online calendar. This calendar includes a complete list of Western Engineering's upcoming events and deadlines.
Events are colour-coded as follows:
Grey - Faculty-wide events/deadlines
Purple - Student events/deadlines
Light blue/Teal - Faculty member events/deadlines
Orange - Faculty & Staff events/deadlines
Green - Staff events/deadlines
Yellow - UES Events/Announcements
Pink - Faculty, Staff and Graduate student events/deadlines
Past Events
Month of October 2008
November 15, 2008
November 20, 2008
November 20, 2008
November 21 - 22, 2008
December 5, 2008
December 5, 2008
.: Allison Stevenson
Spencer Engineering Building, Room 2074
Phone: 519 850-2917 Fax: 519 661-3808