
Srichand Injeti,
M.E.Sc., “Effect of Packet Scheduling in
Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices on Time Critical Message Delays”, completed Dec. 2009 |
Nima Hejazi,
M.E.Sc., “Effect of Induction on Control/Signal
Cables on Shunt Capacitor Bank Protective Schemes”, completed 2009 |
M. Dadashzadeh, Ph.D., "A Method of Creating Distance
Protection Relays using Field Programmable Analog Arrays”, completed
April 2009 |
Khalid Khan,
M.E.Sc., “A Fault location Technique for
Three-Terminal Transmission Lines”, completed 2009 |
Upeka Premaratne,
M.E.Sc., “Information security analysis and auditing of
IEC61850 automated substations”, completed 2009 |
Babak Jamail,
M.E.Sc., “Behavior of Busbar Differential Relays with
Air-gap Core Current Transformers”, completed 2008 |
Harkishan Jashnani,
M.Eng., “Study Of Radio Noise in Electrical
Substation in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Bands”, completed 2008 |
Ming Jin, Ph.D.,
“Splitting Control for Large Scale Power Systems”, completed, Nov. 2007. |
German Rosas, Ph.D.,
“Accelerated Zone-2 Trip Algorithm for a Non-Pilot Distance
Relay”, completed Nov. 2007 |
Fadhel Al-Basari, Ph.D., "Impact of Shunt-Flexible AC
Transmission System (FACTS) on Distance Based Transmission Line Protection”,
completed Nov. 2007. |
Vijayasarthi Muthukrishnan, M.E.Sc.,
“Enhanced Numerical Breaker Failure Protection”, completed Aug. 2007. |
Balamourougan, Ph.D., "High Speed Protection Relay algorithm for Transmission Line Protection and Fast Bus Transfer Schemes",
Completed January 2007 |
Gagan Toor, M.E.Sc., "Web-Based Energy
Predictive Energy Cost System", Completed December 2006 |
Tamije Selvy Munian, Ph.D., "A Client-Server Paradigm for Enhanced Simulation of Power Systems", Completed December 2006 |
Pradeep Kumar Gangadharan, Ph.D., "A Transmission Line Differential Protection Immune to High Degree of CT Saturation", Completed November 2006 |
Yujie Yin, M.E.Sc, "Performance Evaluation of IEC61850 Based Substation Automation Communication Networks", Completed Aug. 2006 |
Harjeet S. Birdi, M.Sc., "Power Quality Analysis Using Relay Recorded Data", Completed June 2006 |
Sandro Perez, Ph.D., "Modelling Relay for Power System Protection Studies", Dec 2006 (co-supervised with Dr. M. Sachdev) |
Dr. Kai Sun, Post-Doctoral Fellow, "Power System Splitting Strategies", Jan. 2005 – Dec. 2005 |
Dr. J-H. Park, Post-Doctoral Fellow, "System Parameter Identification", Feb. 2004 – Jan. 2006 |
A. Cojucaru, M.E.Sc., "Influence of Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) on Distance Protection of Transmission Lines", Completed Dec. 2005. (co-supervised with Dr. R. Varma) |
E. Demeter, Ph.D., "A Digital Relaying Algorithm for Integrated Power System Protection and Control", Completed July 2005 |
Dr. M. Khederzadeh, Post-Doctoral Fellow, "Protection of Flexible AC Transmission System", Feb. 2004 to Dec, 2004 |
Amitpal Bimbhra, M.Sc., "An Impedance Relay design and The Impact of Anti-Aliasing Filters on its Performance", Completed April 2004. (co-supervised with Dr. M. S. Sachdev) |
L. Mital, M.Sc., "A Comprehensive Analysis Technique for MFFN-based Relays", Completed July 2003. (Presently working for Matrikon Inc., Edmonton, Alberta) |
Xudong Zhang, M.E.Sc., "Phasor Estimation Algorithms for Microprocessor-Based Protective Relays", Completed June 2003. |
Tamije Selvy, M.Sc., "A Feasibility Study for Protecting Transmission Lines Using Traveling Waves", Completed Sept. 2002. |
Balamourougan Vinyagam, M.Sc., "On-Line Prediction of Voltage Collapse", Completed June 2002. |
Dr. David Sebastian, Post-Doctoral Fellow, "Adaptive Protection and Fault Location", Program started in Aug. 2000 – Completed July 2002. |
P. Poornalingam, M.Sc. "A Microprocessor-Based System for On-Line Tracking of Power System Harmonics", Completed June 2002 (Presently working for GE Canada). |
D. Ghotra, M.Sc. "A Fast Distance Relay using Adaptive Data Window Filters", Completed - April 2001 (Employed by Nortel Networks, Calgary). |
G. Sagoo, M.Sc. "On-Line Detection and Location of Arcing Faults in Metal-Clad Electrical Equipment", Completed - November 2000. (Employed by GE Canada, Markham, Ontario) |
P. Dhakal, Ph.D. "Computer Aided Design of Substation Switching Schemes", Completed May 2000. (Employed by Nortel Networks, Ottawa, Ontario) |
Harjeet Gill, Ph.D. “A Microprocessor-Based System for Protecting Busbars", Completed March 2000. (Employed by ABB USA) |
Ping Ye, M.Sc “A New Accelerated Trip Scheme for Second-Zone Distance Protection”, Completed - June 1999. (Employed by SNC Lavalin, Montreal) |
Gurdeep Singh, M.Sc. "Microprocessor Based System for Detecting and Locating Electric Arcs", Completed - January 1998. (Employed by IBM Canada) |
Ratan Das, Ph.D. "Determining Locations of Faults in Distribution Systems", Completed - January 1998. (Employed by ABB USA) |
Harjeet Gill, M.Sc “An Algorithm for Protecting Power Transformers, Completed - July 1997. (Continued for Ph.D. at the University of Saskatchewan) |
M. Hfuda, M.Sc., “A Generalized Technique for Generating Software Models of Microprocessor-Based Relays", Completed- June 1997. (Employed by Wascana Energy, Canada) |
O. Cruder, M.Sc., "Alarm-Based Diagnosis in Power Systems Using Abductive Inference", Completed - 1996. (Employed by Critical Control Corp., Canada) |
H. Singh, M.Sc., "An Artificial Neural Network-Based Fault Direction Discriminator for Protecting Transmission Lines", Completed - 1994. (Employed by Intel Corp. USA) |
M. Muchayi, M.Sc., "Performance of Digital Distance Relay Algorithms for Protecting Transformer Terminated Lines", Completed - 1994. (Continued for Ph.D. at DalTech, Halifax) |
B. Sunga, M.Sc., "Stator Winding Protection of a Synchronous Generator", Completed - Jan. 1994.(Employed by B.C. Hydro, Canada) |
Z. Ao, M.Sc., "A Comprehensive Stability Investigation of the Athabasca-Points North Power System", Completed - Jan.1994. (Employed by GE Canada) |
Dr. Y. Zhu, Visiting Scholar, "Topology Determination using Expert System", North China Univ. of Electric Power, China, 1997 |
C. Lan, Visiting Scholar, "Contingency Screening for Steady-State Security Analysis", Shandog Univ. of Technology, China, 1997-98