
Conference Papers
A. Zamani, T. S. Sidhu, and A. Yazdani,
2010. "A Strategy for Protection Coordination in
Radial Distribution Networks with Distributed Generators ", IEEE PES General Meeting, Minnesota, Jul. 25-29,
2010, USA. |
P. Parikh, M. G. Kanabar and T.
S. Sidhu,
2010. "Opportunities and Challenges of Wireless
Communication Technologies for Smart Grid Applications", IEEE PES General Meeting, Minnesota, Jul. 25-29,
2010, USA. |
T. S. Sidhu, S. Injeti, M. G.
Kanabar, P. Parikh, 2010. "Packet Scheduling of GOOSE Messages in
IEC 61850 based Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs)", IEEE PES General Meeting, Minnesota, Jul. 25-29,
2010, USA. |
T.S. Sidhu and M. Kanabar, 2010. “Implementation and
Testing of an Algorithm for Estimation of Lost/Delayed Sampled Values in IEC
61850-9-2 Based Process Bus”, Proceedings of the PAC World Conference,
Dublin, Ireland, June 21-24, 2010. |
M. Dadashzadeh, T.S. Sidhu and A. Klimek, 2010. “Implementation
and Testing of Superimposed Directional Comparison Bus Protection Unit Based on
IEC61850 Process-Bus”, Proceedings of the PAC World Conference, Dublin,
Ireland, June 21-24, 2010 |
(Invited Paper) T. S. Sidhu, M. G.
Kanabar, 2009. "Comparison of Reliability and Availability
of IEC 61850-9 based subsatation process bus communication architectures,"
International conf. on Quality, Reliability and Infocom Technology, Delhi, Dec.
18-20, 2009, India, pp. 12. |
W. El-Khattam, T. S. Sidhu, 2009. "Examining
the IEC 61850 Communication Based Application for Directional Overcurrent Relay
Coordination in Looped Distribution Systems"
3th International Middle East Power Systems Conference, Assiut University,
Assiut, December 20-23, 2009. Egypt. |
(Invited Paper) T. S. Sidhu, and Lixi
Zhang, 2009 “ Integration of Space Solar Power into Smart Grid,” International
Symposium on Solar Energy from Space, , Sept. 8-10, 2009, Canada. |
M. G. Kanabar, and T. S. Sidhu, 2009. “
Reliability and Availability analysis of IEC 61850 based
substation communication architectures,” in Proc. IEEE PES General
Meeting, Calgary, July 26-30, 2009, Canada. |
P. Parikh, M. G. Kanabar, W. El-Khattam,
T. S. Sidhu, A. Shami, 2009 “Evaluation of Communication
Technologies for IEC 61850 based Distribution Automation System with Distributed
Energy Resources,” in Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, Calgary, July
26-30, 2009, Canada. |
T. S. Sidhu, and Z. Xu, "Detection
and classification of incipient faults in underground cables in distribution
systems", in Proc. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering, pp. 122-126, May 3-6, 2009. |
U. Premaratne, J. Samarabandu, T.S.
Sidhu, B. Beresh and J-C. Tan, “Evidence Theory based
Decision Fusion for Masquerade Detection in IEC61850 Automated Substations”,
Proceedings of the 2008 4th International Conference on Information and
Automation for Sustainability, ICIAFS 2008, Dec. 12-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka, art. no. 4783971, pp. 194-199. |
Premaratne, J. Samarabandu, T.S. Sidhu, B. Beresh and J-C. Tan, “Application
of security metrics in auditing computer network security: A case study”,
Proceedings of the 2008 4th International Conference on Information and
Automation for Sustainability, ICIAFS 2008, Dec. 12-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka, art. no. 4783996, pp. 200-205 |
T.S. Sidhu, M. Kanabar and P.
Parikh, 2008. “Implementation Issues with IEC 61850 Based
Substation Automation Systems”, Proceedings of the 15th National Power
System Conference, Dec. 16-18, Mumbai, India, 6 pp. |
W. El-khattam and T.S. Sidhu, 2008. “Comparison
of Anti-Islanding Schemes Operating Times for Distribution Systems with Large
Capacity Wind Turbines”, Proceedings
of the 15th National Power System Conference,Dec. 16-18, Mumbai, India, 6 pp. |
T.S. Sidhu, M. Dadashzadeh and V. Muthukrishnan,
2007. “Modeling and Simulation of Computational Techniques
Used in Numerical Protective Relays”, Proceedings of the 18th
International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, May 30-June 1,
Canada, pp 61-67. |
F. Albasri, T.S. Sidhu and R. Varma, 2007. “Mitigation
of Adverse Effects of Midpoint Shunt-FACTS Compensated Transmission Lines on
Distance Protection Schemes”, Proceedings of the IEEE PES General
Meeting, Tampa, June 24-28, 2007,
USA. |
IEEE PSRC C1 Working Group (including T.S. Sidhu),
2007. “Cyber Security Issues for Protective Relays”,
Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, Tampa, June 24-28, 2007, USA, pp. 1-8. |
Demeter, E., S.O. Faried and T.S. Sidhu, 2007. “Power
System Protection Functions Performance Over an Ethernet-based Process Bus”,
Proceedings of the Canadian Conf. on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE
2007), April 22-26, 2007, pp. 264-267. |
T.S. Sidhu and Yujie Yin, 2007, “IED Modelling for IEC61850 Based Substation Automation System Performance Simulation”, Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, Montreal, June 18-22,
pp. 7. |
G. R. Ortiz and T.S. Sidhu, 2007. “An
accelerated zone 2 trip algorithm for non-pilot distance relay”,
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Montreal,
Canada, pp 61-67. |
S.B. Rafi, Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M.
and T.S. Sidhu, 2006. “Reliability Enhancement in Switching
Substations Using Fault Current Limiters”, International Conference on
Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, 11-15 June 2006, pp. 1-5. |
Balamourougan, V. and T.S. Sidhu,
2006. “A New Filtering Technique to Eliminate Decaying DC
and Harmonics for Power System Phasor Estimation”, IEEE Power India
10-12 April 2006, 5 pp. |
Balamourougan, V. and T.S. Sidhu,
B. Kasztenny, M. Thakur, 2006. “A New High Speed Bus
Transfer Relay Design, Implementation and Testing”, IEEE Power India
Conference, 10-12 April 2006, 8 pp. |
F. Albasri, T.S. Sidhu and R. Varma, “Impact of Shunt- FACTS on Distance Protection of Transmission Lines”, Power Systems Conference 2006, March 14-17, Clemson, USA. |
M. Khederzadeh and T.S. Sidhu, 2006, “Impact of
TCSC on the Protection of Transmission Lines”, Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting,
2006 |
K. Sun, T.S. Sidhu and Ming Jin, “Online Pre-Analysis and Real-Time Matching for Controlled Splitting of Large-Scale Power Networks”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Future Power Systems, Nov. 16-18, 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands, paper # O06-05, ISBN 90-78205-01-6. |
Ming Jin, T.S. Sidhu and K. Sun, “A New System Splitting Scheme Based on the Identification of Controlling Group”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Future Power Systems, Nov. 16-18, 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands, paper # P08-03, ISBN 90-78205-01-6. |
S.G. Aquiles Perez, M.S. Sachdev and T.S. Sidhu, “Modeling Relays for Use in Power System Protection Studies”, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 1-4, 2005, Page(s): 566 – 569. |
E. Demeter, S.O. Faried, and T.S. Sidhu, “Signal Phase Shifting During Synchrophasor Measurements”, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 1-4, 2005, Page(s): 557 – 560. |
T.S. Sidhu, P.K. Gangadharan, “Control and Automation of Power System Substation using IEC61850 Communication”, Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, CCA 2005, 28-31 Aug. 2005, Page(s):1331 – 1336. |
T.S. Sidhu and T.S. Munian, ““A New Concept for Enhanced Simulation of Power Systems”, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Power System Transients, June 19-23, 2005, Montreal, Paper # 223. |
T.S. Sidhu, H.S. Birdi, Dale Finney, Bogdan Kasztenny, M.S. Sachdev, “Power Quality Analysis using Relay Recorded Data”, Published in the proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Advanced Power Automation and Protection, Oct 25-28, 2004, Jeju island, Korea. pp 599 - 604. |
G. Rosas Ortiz, T.S. Sidhu, “Accelerated Trip scheme for Second Zone Distance Protection of Three Terminal Lines”, Published in the proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Advanced Power Automation and Protection, Oct 25-28, 2004, Jeju island, Korea. pp. 272 – 277. |
T.S. Sidhu, M. Tamije Selvy, Ilia Voloh, Bogdan Kasztenny, “Use of Relay Models for Protection Studies without Revealing their Design Details”, Published in the proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Advanced Power Automation and Protection, Oct 25-28, 2004, Jeju island, Korea. pp 63 - 68. |
T.S. Sidhu, E. Demeter and S.O. Faried, “Power System Protection and Control Integration Over Ethernet-Based Communication Channels”, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 1, 2-5 May 2004 Page(s):225 – 228. |
T.S. Sidhu, M.S. Sachdev and H.S. Gill, “A Power Transformer Protection Technique with Stability During Current Transformer Saturation and Ratio Mismatch Conditions”, Proceedings of the 8th IEE International Conf. On Developments in Power System Protection, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 5-8, 2004. |
T.S. Sidhu, M. Tamije Selvy and A. Das, “A Client-Server Paradigm for Protection Studies” Proceedings of the IEEE T&D Conference and Exposition, Dallas, USA, Sept. 7-10, 2003. |
T.S. Sidhu, Elemer Demeter and S. Faried, “A Digital Relay Algorithm for Ethernet Based Data Transfer”, Proceedings of the IEEE T&D Conference and Exposition, Dallas, USA, Sept. 7-10, 2003. Volume 1, 7-12 Sept. 2003 Page(s):290 – 295. |
T.S. Sidhu, M.S. Sachdev and H.S. Gill, “A Unified Approach for Protection of Transformers and Busbars by Using Delta Impedance Relays”, Proceedings of CIGRE Study Committee B5 Colloquium, Sydney, Australia, Sept. 28 – Oct. 3, 2003. |
T.S. Sidhu and Tamije Selvy, “Advancements in Relay Modelling”, Proceedings of the International Power Engineering Conference, Singapore, Nov./Dec. 2003. |
T.S. Sidhu, V. Balamourougan and M.S. Sachdev, “On-Line Prediction of Voltage Collapse”, Proceedings of the International Power Engineering Conference, Singapore, Nov/Dec. 2003. |
T.S. Sidhu, H.S. Gill and M.S. Sachdev, “Effect of DC Offset on Distance Relays Using LES and Mimic Filtering”, Proceedings of the International Power Engineering Conference, Singapore, Nov/Dec. 2003. |
T.S. Sidhu, X. Zhang and M.S. Sachdev, “A Technique for Improving Performance of Phasor Estimation Algorithms in Presence of Decaying DC Component” Proceedings of the International Power Engineering Conference, Singapore, Nov/Dec. 2003 |
L. Mital, T.S. Sidhu, and M.S. Sachdev, 2001, “A Technique for Analyzing Artificial Neural Network Based Protective Relays”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Integrated Protection, Control and Communication – Experience, Benefits and Trends, Oct. 10-11, New Delhi, India, pp. X-30 – X-35 |
G.S. Sagoo, T.S. Sidhu, and M.S. Sachdev, 2001, “Detection and Location of Low-Level Arcing Faults in Metal-Clad Electrical Apparatusa”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Integrated Protection, Control and Communication – Experience, Benefits and Trends, Oct. 10-11, New Delhi, India, pp. IX-42 – IX-48 |