Daniele Silva                                                                            Email

Daniele Feitoza completed her Master Degree in 2016 in Hydraulic Engineering and Sanitation from the University of Sao Paulo - USP, Sao Carlos, Brazil. Her Master thesis involved analysis of urban drainage source control efficiency in different spatial scales. Her Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering in 2014 is from Federal University of Alagoas - UFAL, Maceio, Brazil. Daniele is now a PhD student at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Institute of Hydraulic Research) - IPH, Porto Alegre, Brazil, working with Urban Drainage Master Plans, stormwater management and climate change adaptation. 

Daniele is currently a Visiting Graduate Student at Western University, under Prof. Slobodan P. Simonovic Supervisor. Her research is focussed on studying non-stationarity in intensity-duration-frequency relations under climate change scenarios.

Research Interests

Non-stationarity; IDF curves; Climate change

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