Contact Us
Dr. M. Ray, Director
M. Richards, Coordinator
Dr. K. Kreyman, Special Adviser

Dr. A. Bassi (
Western Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Micro-algal applications for clean water and value recovery
- Integrated technologies for water refining and nutrient and energy recovery using biological systems
- Bio-separations and biosensors
For further information:
Dr. M. Dagnew (
Western Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests:
- Advancing wastewater treatment processes and technologies
- Water and nutrient recovery from point and non-point sources
- Urban water infrastructure
- Numerical and data-based process modeling
- Drinking water in first nation and small communities
For further information: Martha Dagnew - CEE - Western University (
Dr. C.T. DeGroot (
Western Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Research Interests:
- Computational fluid dynamics modelling of wastewater unit processes
- Optical simulations of UV photoreactors and microalgae photobioreactors
- Uncertainty/sensitivity analysis of wastewater biokinetic models
- Wastewater-based epidemiology
- Physics of gas-liquid mass transfer
- Mechanics of active fluid suspensions
For further information:
Dr. H. Gomaa (
Western Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Photocatalytic membrane reactors (PMR)
- Preparation of Pickering emulsions using
metal organic frameworks (MOF) - Functionalized membranes applications using MOF
- Controlled release of drugs using magnetic nanoparticles (MNP)
- Oscillatory motion process intensification
- Supported liquid membranes (SLM) in bio-separation
- Electrodialysis with bipolar membranes (EDBP)
For further information:
Dr. J. E. Herrera (
Western Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Heterogeneous catalysis for environmental engineering
- Lead chemistry in drinking water distribution
- Aquatic chemistry
For further information:
Dr. Erin Huner (
Ivey Business School, Western University
Research Interests:
- Director, Culture and Inclusion at Ivey Business Schoo
- Systems and policies where they have been historically marginalized
- Building systems, institutions and policies that actively seek, and make space for, the full and inclusive participation of diverse community members
- Expertise in Implementation Science and Evaluation to implement and design research and programming focused on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and Gender-Based-Violence (GBV); student skill acquisition; and student mental health and wellbeing
For more information:
Dr. K. Kreyman (
Western Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Surface water hydrology
- Marine physics
- Data analysis
- Laboratory and mathematical modeling environmental systems
Dr. Geneviève Metson (
Faculty of Social Science, Department of Geography and Environment
Research Interests:
- Anthropogenic phosphorus and nitrogen flows
- Sustainable food, waste and sanitation systems for effective nutrient management
- Urban ecological infrastructure (e.g. urban agriculture) and nutrient dynamics
- Transdisciplinary and systems approaches
For further information:
Dr. A. Wren Montgomery (
Ivey School of Business, Department of Sustainability and General Management
Research Interests:
- Environmental and social organizing and entrepreneurship
- Climate change
- Water crisis
- Soil degradation
- Social justice
For further information:
Dr. M. R. Najafi (
Wester Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests:
- Hydroclimatic extremes
- Climate change impact assessment
- Detection and attribution
- Infrastructure risk and resilience
- Regional frequency analysis
- Multi-modeling and uncertainty assessment
- Downscaling and bias correction
- Hydrologic forecasting
- Remote sensing
- Machine learning
- Physical/numerical modeling and design
For further information:
Dr. G. Nakhla (
Western Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment
- Treatment plant optimization and troubleshooting
- Biological nutrient removal
- Anaerobic digestion of biosolids
- Biological conversion of wastes to hydrogen and methane
- Resource recovery from wastewater
For further information:
Dr. F. Olea-Popelka (
Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Research Interests:
- Veterinary Epidemiologist
- One Health and the link between environmental, animal, and human health
- Zoonoses, tuberculosis, rabies
For further information:
Dr. Sabina Rakhimbekova (
Western Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests:
- Contaminant fate and transport
- Groundwater-surfacewater interactions
- Water resources under climate change and anthropogenic development
- Student engagement and pedagogy innovation
For further information:
Dr. A. K. Ray (
Western Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Advanced oxidation processes for water treatment
- Solar photocatalysis for water treatment
- Enhanced oxidation of micropollutants by ferrates, Fe(VI)
- Novel water treatment reactor design
- Mathematical modeling and optimization
For further information:
Dr. M. B. Ray (;
Western Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Novel applications of adsorption, coagulation, and membrane separation
- Advanced oxidation processes for organics removal
- Enhanced anaerobic digestion
- Recovery of resources from wastes
- Environmental modeling
For further details:
Dr. L. Rehmann (
Western Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Bio-fuels and
value added chemicals through biochemical conversion processes - Effluent toxicity
For further information:
Dr. C. E. Robinson (
Western Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Research Interests:
- Groundwater-surface water interactions
- Fate and transport of contaminants
- Groundwater and reactive transport modeling
- Low impact development stormwater management technologies
For further information:
Dr. I. Shah (
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, Environmental Planning & Regulations Unit
Research Interests:
- Water resources management
- Floodplain management
- Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling
- Low impact development
- Climate change resiliency
- Stormwater quality
Dr. S. Simonovic (
Western Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests:
- Water resource management
- Resilient complex systems
- Energy, climate change and infrastructure
For further information:
Dr. C. Xu (
Western Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Thermal technologies for waste treatment for bio-energy and bio-fuels
- Production of high-value bio-based chemicals and materials from biomass
- Catalysis and catalysts development
- Recovery of organics or heavy metals from industrial
waste water or soil remediation
For further information: