Argyrios Margaritis
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Thompson Engineering Building,
Room TEB 377
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 82146
Fax: 519-661-4275

Masters of Environment and Sustainability (MES) Class Winter 2012
Undergraduate Courses
- Air Pollution Control
- Biochemical Engineering I
- Biochemical Engineering II
- Biochemical Engineering III
- Biochemical Separation Processes
- Chemical Engineering Calculations
- Chemical Engineering Laboratory
- Chemical Process and Plant Design
- Chemical Engineering Research Project
Graduate Courses
- Biochemical Engineering
- Chemical & Biochemical Reactor Engineering
- Environmental Science & Engineering
- Selected Topics in Biochemical Engineering
- Solid Waste Treatment
- Water Pollution Design
- Industrial Chemical Reactor Design
- Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer
- Solid Waste Treatment
- Unit Operations I
- Unit Operations II
- Unit Operations III
- Unit Operations IV
- Water Pollution
- Water Pollution Design
UWO C.E.S. Graduate Courses
- Engineering Solutions (EnvrSust 9015b)
- Measuring Change in Environment and Sustainability (EnvrSust 9104)
New Programs Established
- Co-Founder of Masters in Environment and Sustainability (MES) Program at The University of Western Ontario
- Founder of the first CEAB Acredited Program in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering in Canada
- Founding Director, Connaught Student Biotechnology Program, London District, Ontario, Aventis Biotechnology Challenge
- Founding Director, London District, Sanofi-Aventis Biotechnology Challenge, which selects annually the best high school students researching biotechnology
- Co-Founder of Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program at The University of Western Ontario