Dominic Pjontek
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering,
Thompson Engineering Building (TEB), Room 377
Western University
p: 1-519-661-2143
Prospective Students
Graduate Students
I am currently looking for motivated graduate students for the following projects (updated Summer 2024):
1. Experimental and CFD investigation of gas-liquid dispersion in a bubble column (PhD or MESc project)
- Collaboration with Dr. Jan Haelssig (University of Ottawa)
- Experimental studies using a pilot-scale system and state-of-the-art optical probe measurement
- Computational Fluid Dynamic simulations focusing on bubble dynamics and mass transfer predictions
2. Shed Fouling Monitoring and Improvements in an Industrial Fluid Coker (MESc project)
- Collaboration with Syncrude Canada Ltd and Dr. Cedric Briens
- Development of innovative experimental monitoring techniques
- Experiments in a scale-down Fluid Coker pilot system
If you would like to apply for a project, please send your resume/CV to and specify that you have seen this information on my Western website.
Graduate students must meet the admission requirements. Acceptance of new students is subject to the availability of adequate funding. Students may also apply for their own funding:
- External Scholarships (e.g., NSERC graduate scholarships, Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Ontario Trillium Scholarship)
- Internal Scholarships (e.g., Julie Lassonde, Ross and Jean Clark, E.G.D. Murray, Ivan Malek Scholarships)
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate research projects are typically carried out via the 4th year Chemical Engineering Project/Thesis (CBE 4415), a summer NSERC USRA program, or a Western Work Study program. If you are interested, please contact me so that I can provide more details.