Lars Rehmann
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Thompson Engineering Building,
Room TEB 459
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 89008
Fax: 519-661-3498
Research Lab Facilities
TEB 313 is a dedicated biochemical engineering lab equipped with the three fume hoods and an autoclave. The laboratory is certified for biohazard containment level 1. A section of the lab (TEB 313A) is equipped with two laminar flow cabinets and certified for biohazard containment level 2.
Two Teacan M1000 microplate readers

- Up to 1538 well plates
- Shaking and incubating function
- Absorbance, fluorescence (top and bottom) and luminescence capacities
- Injectors
- One located in anaerobic glove box
Two Teacan M200 microplate readers

- Up to 384 well plates
- Shaking and incubating function
- Absorbance capacities (monochromators)
- Equipped with gas control unit
Four InforsHT Labfors 4 reactors

- 2-7.5 L vessels
- Dissolved oxygen, pH, redox and optical density probes
- Gas mixers and mass flow controllers
- Analog feed and harvest pumps
- Off-gas analyzers for oxygen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide
Pilot Scale:
Newly refurbished 150L pilot reactor

- 150L steam sterilizable vessel (TSSA approved)
- Dissolved oxygen, pH and redox probe
- Gas mixers and mass flow controllers
- Analog feed and harvest pumps
Analytical Eqipment:
Agilent 7890A Series GC

- Autoinjector
- FID w/EPC, for packed & capillary column
- Capillary split/splitless inlet with EPC - 150 psi
- On-column capillary inlet with EPC
- Biodiesel ASTM D6584 certified
Agilent 1260 Infinity Quaternary UHPLC

- Maximum pressure 600 bar
- 1260 Infinity Standard Autosampler
- 1260 Infinity Diode Array Detector VL+
- 1260 Infinity Evaporative Light Scattering Detector
- 1260 Infinity Refractive Index Detector