
Research Interests

  • Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Treatment.
  • Biological Nutrient Removal Processes.
  • Treatment Process Optimization.
  • Soil and Ground Water Remediation.
  • Landfill Leachate Treatment.
  • Treatment Process Trouble Shooting and Modeling.
  • Biological Treatment of Hazardous Contaminants.
  • Activated Carbon Adsorption of Toxic Organic Pollutants.
  • Adsorption onto Organic clays.

Research Group

Ph.D candidates with thorough knowledge and expertise in anaerobic wastewater treatment, anaerobic digestion of municipal biosolids, dark fermentation processes and control, microbial fuel cells and microbial electrolysis cells from both an engineering or microbiology background are required for projects on biohydrogen production from wastes. If you have the required experience, please contact Dr. George Nakhla at:


Research Funding (Selected Projects Last 7 Years)

Year Granted Title of Project Annual Amount Total Granted
2017 Energy Optimization at municipal wastewater treatment plants $51,000 $255,000
2016 Municipal wastewater treatment innovation $660,300 $1,980,900
2016 Full scale BioCord demonstration for cold temp. nitrification $50,000 $100,000
2014 Development of a novel twin-screw extruder $230,000 $690,000
2013 Fermentation of carbohydrate rich fraction of bio-Oils for biohydrogen $62,500 $312,500
2012 Development of an anaerobic Environmental fluidized bioreactor for biosolids digestion $155,000 $155,000
2012 Clean water technologies for nutrient and energy recovery $300,000 $1,650,000
2012 Southern Ontario Water Consortium-London full scale testing facilities $9,000,000
2011 Biological waste-to-energy Ethanol/Union Gas conversion using novel Admira Energy Biohydrogen process $200,000 $600,000