Clare Robinson
Research Director
Geotechnical Research Centre
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Spencer Engineering Building
Room SEB 3041
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 80974
Graduate Students
Graduate Students in Progress
Doctoral Students
- Caitlin Kushnir, Geochemical model to predict lead dissolution from lead-bearing plumbing material.
- Sabina Rakhimbekova, Fate of arsenic at groundwater-surface water interface.
Master's Students
- Hayley Wallace, Hydrogeological controls on direct groundwater discharge to Lake Simcoe.
- Lauren Oldfield, Geospatial modelling tool for estimation of phosphorus loading from septic systems to tributaries in the Lake Erie Basin.
- Archana Tamrang, Field validation of geospatial model to estimate phosphorus loading from septic systems in Lake Simcoe Basin.
- Jaeleah Goor, Field assessment of bioswale bioretention cells for reducing phosphorus loading in urban storm water.
Postdoctoral and Graduate Students Supervised
Postdoctoral Fellows
- Kela Weber, Colloid transport in beaches (co-supervisors D. O’Carroll and J. Gerhard) [June 2010 – April 2011].
- Zachery Staley, Role of groundwater in microbial contamination at Great Lakes Beaches [June 2013 – June 2014].
- Maja Staniec, Assessment of green roof performance in Canada (co-supervisor D. O’Carroll) [August 2012 – December 2014].
- Ming Wu, Modelling fate and transport of E. coli at freshwater beaches [October 2014 - April 2017].
Doctoral Students
- Laura Vogel, Microbial contamination at Great Lakes beaches [May 2013 - October 2017].
Master's Students
- Victoria Trglavcnik Evaluation of coastal groundwater dynamics on Sable Island [Completed 2016].
- Maria Sia Quantification of evapotranspiration from green roofs, Co- Supervisor (Dr. O’Carroll) [Completed 2016].
- Tao Ji Quantifying regional scale groundwater discharge to the Great Lakes [Completed 2016].
- Spencer Malott, Dynamic water exchange across the sediment-water interface at Great Lakes beaches [Completed 2015].
- Caitlin Kushnir, Influence of water chemistry parameters on hydrocerrusite dissolution in water distribution systems [Completed 2014].
- Daoping Guo, Characterization of lead corrosion scale in water distribution systems,(co-supervisor J. Herrera) [Completed 2014].
- Jessica Barker, Feasibility of artificial groundwater recharge in coastal areas of Bangladesh [Completed 2013].
- Jacky Lee, Discharge of groundwater contaminants to surface waters at Port Stanley Harbour, Ontario [Completed 2013].
- Narwin Anwar, Nutrient discharge from tidally-influenced coastal aquifers [Completed 2012].
- Tanvir Hassan, Geochemical modeling of corrosion control alternatives for water distribution systems,(co-supervisor J. Herrera) [Completed 2011].