Abouzar Sadrekarimi, Ph.D., P. Eng.
Research Director, Geotechnical Research Centre
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Spencer Engineering Building
Room SEB 3010D
Western University
Sadrekarimi, A. (2010). Critical state of sands: from triaxial and ring shear tests VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG., ISBN 978-3639272840. 408 pages.
Refereed Journal Publications
34. Umar, M., and Sadrekarimi, A. (2017). "Accuracy of determining pre-consolidation pressure from laboratory tests." Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(3), 441 - 450. [link]
33. Sadrekarimi, A. (2017). "Evaluation of stress normalization methods for cone-penetration testing in quartz sands." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 143(6). [link]
32. Sadrekarimi, A. (2017). "Seismic distress of broken-back gravity retaining walls." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 143(4). [link]
31. Sadrekarimi, A. (2016). "Estimating relative density of sands using CPT." Ground Improvement Journal, 169(4), 253 - 263. [link]
30. Sadrekarimi, A. [2016]. "Static liquefaction analysis considering principal stress directions and anisotropy." Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 34(4), 1135 - 1154. [link]
29. Sadrekarimi, A. [2016]. "Evaluation of CPT-based Characterization Methods for Loose to Medium-dense Sands." Soils and Foundations, 56(3), 460 - 472. [link]
28. Sadrekarimi, A. (2016). "Effect of ambient temperature variation on triaxial shearing testing of sands." ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 39(4): 624 - 632. [link]
27. El Takch, A., Sadrekarimi, A. and El Naggar, M.H. (2016). "Cyclic resistance and liquefaction behaviour of silt and sandy silt soils." Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 83:98-109. [link]
26. Al-Qaysi, Z. and Sadrekarimi, A. (2015). "Determination of the porosity of granular soils using electrical resistivity measurements." Canadian Journal of Exploration Geophysics, 40(1):12-16. [link] [pdf]
25. Damavandi Monfared, S. and Sadrekarimi, A. (2015). "Development of a miniature cone penetrometer for cslibration chamber testing." Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, 38(6): 878 - 892. [link]
24. Omar, T. and Sadrekarimi, A. (2015). "Effect of triaxial specimen size on engineering design and analysis." International Journal of GeoEngineering, 6(1): 1 -17.
23. Omar, T. and Sadrekarimi, A. (2014). "Specimen size effects on the behaviour of loose sand in triaxial compression tests." Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 52(6): 732 - 746. [link]
22. Omar, T. and Sadrekarimi, A. (2014). "Effects of multiple corrections on triaxial compression testing of sands." Journal of GeoEngineering, 9(2): 75 - 83. [link]
21. Sadrekarimi, A. (2014). "Static liquefaction-triggering analysis considering soil dilatancy." Soils and Foundations, 54(5):955 - 966. [link]
20. Sadrekarimi, A. (2014). "Effect of mode of shear on static liquefaction analysis." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), 140(12). [link]
19. Sadrekarimi, A. (2014). "Effect of soil plastic contraction on static liquefaction triggering analysis." Geotechnique, 64(4):325-332. [link]
18. Sadrekarimi, A. (2013). "Influence of fines content on liquefied strength of silty sands." Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 55:108-119. [link]
17. Sadrekarimi, A. and Olson, S. M. (2013). "Residual state of sands." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 140(4). [link]
16. Sadrekarimi, A. (2013). "Influence of state and compressibility on liquefied strength of sands." Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 50(10):1067-1076. [link]
15. Sadrekarimi, A. (2012). "Dynamic behavior of granular soils at shallow depths from 1g shaking table tests." Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 17(2):227-252. [link]
14. Sadrekarimi, A. (2012). "Effect of soil particle mineralogy on embankment dams." Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Civil Engineers, 165(3):195-206. [link]
13. Sadrekarimi, A., and Olson, S. M. (2012). "Effect of sample preparation method on critical state behavior of sands." Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, 35(4). [link].
12. Sadrekarimi, A. (2011). "An alternative mechanism for the earthquake-induced displacement of the Lower San Fernando Dam." GeoRisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineering Systems and Geohazards, Taylor and Francis, 5(3-4): 229 - 240. [link]
11. Sadrekarimi, A. (2011). "Seismic displacement of broken-back gravity quaywalls." Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 137(2):75–84. [link]
10. Sadrekarimi, A. and Olson, S. M. (2011). "Yield strength ratios, critical strength ratios, and brittleness index of sandy soils from laboratory tests." Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 48(3):493–510. [link]
9. Sadrekarimi, A., and Olson, S. M. (2011). "Critical state friction angle of sands." Geotechnique, 61(9):771-783. [link]
8. Sadrekarimi, A. (2010). "Pseudo-static lateral earth pressure on broken-back retaining walls." Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 47(11):1247– 258. [link]
7. Sadrekarimi, A., and Olson, S. M. (2010). "Particle damage and crushing observed in ring shear tests on sands." Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 47(5):497-515. [link]
6. Sadrekarimi, A., and Olson, S. M. (2010). "Shear band formation observed in ring shear tests on sandy soils." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 136(2):366-375. [link]
5. Sadrekarimi, A. and Olson, S. M. (2009). "A new ring shear device to measure the large displacement shearing behavior of sands." Geotechnical Testing Journal of ASTM International, 32(3): 1 - 12. [link]
4. Sadrekarimi, A., Ghalandarzadeh, A., and Sadrekarimi, J. (2008). "Static and dynamic behavior of hunchbacked gravity quay walls." Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28(2):99–117. [link]
3. Sadrekarimi, A. (2006). "Seismic behavior of gravel drains and compacted sand piles using physical and numerical models." Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 11(D). [link]
2. Sadrekarimi, A. and Ghalandarzadeh, A. (2005). "Evaluation of gravel drains and compacted sand piles in mitigating liquefaction." Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Journal of Ground Improvement, 9(3):91-104. [link]
1. Sadrekarimi, A. (2004). "Development of a light weight reactive powder concrete." Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 2(3):409-417. [link] [pdf]
Refereed Conference Papers
36. Jones, S., Sadrekarimi, A., and Kokan, M. (2017). "Verification and normalization of miniature cone penetration test results for Fraser River sand." GeoOttawa 2017, 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
35. Drbe, O., Sadrekarimi, A., El Naggar, H., Sangiuliano, T., Moen, R., and Ng, J. (2017). "Instrumentation monitoring program to measure the magnitude, distribution and time dependency of drag load on abutment piles: A case study." GeoOttawa 2017, 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
34. Riveros, G. A., and Sadrekarimi, A. (2017). "Static liquefaction analysis of the Fundao Dam failure." GeoOttawa 2017, 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
33. Sadrekarimi, A. (2017). "Comparison of field-based liquefaction triggering curves with laboratory tests." 3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Vancouver, Canada.
32. Mirbaha, K., and Sadrekarimi, A. (2017). "Characterization of a carbonate sand based on shear wave velocity measurement." 3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Vancouver, Canada.
31. El Takch, A., Sadrekarimi, A., and El Naggar, H. (2017). "Dynamic behaviors of silt and sandy silt soils determined from cyclic ring shear tests." 3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Vancouver, Canada. [pdf]
30. Drbe, O., Sadrekarimi, A., El Naggar, H., and Sangiuliano, T. (2016). "Modelling of negative skin friction on driven piles." GeoVancouver 2016, 69th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, October 2 - 5. [pdf]
29. Umar, M. and Sadrekarimi, A. (2016). “Accuracy of determining pre-consolidation pressure from laboratory tests,” GeoVancouver 2016, 69th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, October 2 – 5.
28. Sadrekarimi, A. (2016). "Cyclic shear response of Fraser River sand using cyclic ring shear." Geo-Chicago 2016 Conference: Sustainability, Energy, and the Geoenvironment, Chicago, Illinois, August 14 - 18, 2016.
27. Sadrekarimi, A. (2016). "Evaluation of CPT-based empirical characterization methods for sands." Geo-Chicago 2016 Conference: Sustainability, Energy, and the Geoenvironment, Chicago, Illinois, August 14 - 18, 2016.
26. Sadrekarimi, A. (2015). "Gravity retaining walls: Reinvented." 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-4 November.
25. El Takch, A., Sadrekarimi, A. and El Naggar, M.H. (2015). Liquefaction behaviour of silt and sandy silts from cyclic ring shear tests. 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-4 November. [pdf]
24. Naghavi Alhosseini, N., El Naggar, M.H. and Sadrekarimi, A. (2015). Determination of the maximum density of carbonate silty sands. 6th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
23. Omar, T. and Sadrekarimi, A. (2014). Scale effect on behavior of loose sand in triaxial testing and its implication in engineering design and analysis. GeoRegina, 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan. [pdf]
22. Jarghi-Araghi, G., Sadrekarimi, A., Lee, J. and Shi, K. (2014). Settlement of a highway embankment constructed on a soft clay deposit. GeoRegina, 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan.
21. Sadrekarimi, A. (2014). Post-liquefaction strength of cohesionless soils. GeoRegina, 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan.
20. Omar, T., Lakkaraju, S., Osouli, A, and Sadrekarimi, A. (2014). Influence of specimen size in engineering practice. Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability, Geo-Congress 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
19. Sadrekarimi, A. (2013). Shear modulus reduction and damping ratio of sand and gravel at small stress. GeoMontreal 2013, 66thCanadian Geotechnical Conference and 11thJoint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3.
18. Sadrekarimi, A. (2013). A state-compressibility parameter to describe the liquefaction behaviour of sands, GeoMontreal 2013, 66thCanadian Geotechnical Conference and 11thJoint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3.
17. Damavandi-Monfared, S. and Sadrekarimi, S. (2013). An overview of the existing methods for estimating state parameter from cone penetration test results. GeoMontreal 2013, 66thCanadian Geotechnical Conference and 11thJoint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3.
16. Sadrekarimi, A. and Damavandi-Monfared, S. (2013). Numerical investigation of the mobilization of active earth pressure on retaining walls. Proceedings of the 18thInternational Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
15. Sadrekarimi, A. and Olson, S. M. (2011). Undrained brittleness of sand in triaxial compression and ring shear tests. 2011 Pan-American Conference, Toronto.
14. Sadrekarimi, A. (2011). Estimating the undrained critical strength of sands using critical state soil mechanics. 2011 Pan-American Conference, Toronto.
13. Sadrekarimi, A. and Stark, T. (2010). Earthquake induced excess pore water pressures in the Upper San Fernando Dam during the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake. Fifth Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, California.
12. Sadrekarimi, A. and Muhammad, K. (2009). Groundwater flow in the Illinois basin. 62ndCanadian Geotechnical Conference and 10thJoint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, GeoHalifax 2009.
11. Sadrekarimi, A. and Olson, S. M. (2009). Defining the critical state line from triaxial compression and ring shear tests. 17thInternational Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt.
10. Sadrekarimi, A. and Olson, S. M. (2008). The importance of mineralogy and grain compressibility in understanding field behavior during liquefaction. 6thInternational Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering and Symposium in Honor of Professor James K. Mitchell, Arlington, VA.
9. Sadrekarimi, A. and Olson, S. M. (2008). Investigating the critical state using laboratory ring shear tests. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics IV, Sacramento.
8. Sadrekarimi, A. (2008). Shearing behavior of sands in terms of compressibility mechanisms. GeoCongress 2008, New Orleans.
7. Sadrekarimi, A., Huvaj, N. and Olson, S. M. (2008). Invigorating geotechnical engineering education and outreach at the University of Illinois. GeoCongress 2008, New Orleans.
6. Sadrekarimi, A., Olson, S. M. (2007). Development of an improved ring shear device to measure liquefied shear strength of sandy soils. 4thInternational Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece.
5. Sadrekarimi, A. (2007). Hazard mitigation using broken back retaining walls. Geo-Denver 2007, Denver, CO.
4. Sadrekarimi, A. and Olson, S. M. (2007). Review of the October 9th, 1963 failure of Vaiont reservoir slope. Geo-Denver 2007, Denver, CO.
3. Sadrekarimi, A., (2006). Physical and numerical modeling of gravel drains and compacted sand piles. International Conference on Physical Modeling in Geotechnics, Hong Kong.
2. Sadrekarimi, A., Mattson, B. and Servigna, D. (2006). Liquefaction susceptibility of a silty sand. 100thAnniversary Earthquake Conference Commemorating the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, San Francisco, CA.
1. Sadrekarimi, A., (2005). Modeling of earthquake induced ground responses. International Conference on Soil-Structure Interaction: Calculation Methods and Engineering Practice, Petersburg, Russia.