Electronics Shop
Engineering Electronics Shop
ACEB 3440
London, ON N6A 5B9
Tel: 519-661-2111 (83332)
Hours of operation:
M - F: 8:30am - 5:00pm
(closed noon - 1:00 for lunch)
Electronics Shop Projects
We have designed and built a wide variety of equipment in the Electronics Shop. Here are a few examples:
s354 Laser Communicator
s366 Conductivity Meter
s425 Voltage and Current Isolation Amplifiers
s521 Voltage and Current Transducers
- The 3-phase voltage transducer boxes accept up to 250V per phase. The 3-phase current transducer boxes accept up to 10A per phase. Each phase has variable offset and gain. The output is -10 to +10VDC for use with a data acquisition system. Additionally, a TTL to CMOS conversion box was created for this project.