Xianbin Wang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ACEB 4453
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 81298
Fax: 519-850-2436
Dr. Wang and his team published extensively on different aspects of communications system design, analysis and implementation. The research findings have led to over 600 academic publications with a significant number of citations (over 24,000 in Google Scholar, i-10 index 367and h-index 77, Feb. 2025), including 35 granted and pending patents from his technology innovation efforts. The proposals and the new terms coined by him for PCP-OFDM, MSE-OFDM and PAPR Companding have been cited by numerous times on the Internet. Dr. Wang also received 10 Best Paper Awards from IEEE.
Summary of Publications
- Books: 2
- Chapters in Books: 9
- Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals: 370
- Articles in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings: 273
- Patents: 35
- International Standard Contributions: 4
- Technical Reports: 28
- Invited presentations: 20
International Refereed Journals (Recent Two Years)
- Jie Mei, Wudan Han, Xianbin Wang, Vincent Poor, "Multi-Dimensional Multiple Access with Resource Utilization Cost Awareness for Individualized Service Provisioning in 6G," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, in press, 2022 (Simulation Codes).
- Zhenlong Xiao, He Fang and Xianbin Wang, “Anomalous IoT Sensor Data Detection: An Efficient Approach Enabled by Nonlinear Frequency-Domain Graph Analysis,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, in press 2020.
- Yanan Liu, Xianbin Wang, Jie Mei, Gary Boudreau, Hatem Abou-zeid and Akram Bin Sediq, “Situation-Aware Resource Allocation for Multi-dimensional Intelligent Multiple Access: A Proactive Deep Learning Framework,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, in press 2020.
- Pengyi Jia, Xianbin Wang and Xuemin Shen, “Digital Twin Enabled Intelligent Distributed Clock Synchronization in Industrial IoT Systems,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, in press 2020.
- Yanan Liu, Xianbin Wang, Gary Boudreau, Akram Bin Sediq and Hatem Abou-zeid, A Multi-Dimensional Intelligent Multiple Access Technique for 5G Beyond and 6G Wireless Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, in press 2020.
- Fuad Shamieh, Xianbin Wang and Ahmed Refaey, “Transaction Throughput Provisioning Technique for Blockchain-based Industrial IoT Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, in press 2020.
- Qianqian Wang, Qin Wang, Hongbo Zhu and Xianbin Wang, “Enabling Collaborative Computing Sustainably through Computational Latency-based Pricing,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, in press 2020.
- Hao Zhang, Kunde Yang, Shun Zhang and Xianbin Wang, “Efficient Subchannel Allocation Based on Partial Clustered Interference Alignment and Clusters Merging in Dense Small Cell Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, in press 2020
- Lingyi Han, Kan Zheng, Long Zhao, Xianbin Wang, and Huimin Wen, “Content-Aware Traffic Data Completion in ITS Based on Generative Adversarial Nets,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, in press 2020.
- Qianqian Wang, Lei Chen, Qin Wang, Hongbo Zhu and Xianbin Wang, “Anomaly-aware Network Traffic Estimation via Outlier-robust Tensor Completion,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, in press 2020.
- Yao Xu, Bo Li, Nan Zhao, Yunfei Chen, Gang Wang, Zhiguo Ding and Xianbin Wang, “Coordinated Direct and Relay Transmission With NOMA and Network Coding in Nakagami-m Fading Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, in press 2020.
- Ran Zhang, Xiaowei Pang, Jie Tang, Yunfei Chen, Nan Zhao, and Xianbin Wang, “Joint Location and Transmit Power Optimization for NOMA-UAV Networks via Updating Decoding Order,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, in press 2020.
- Changwei Zhang, Xinghua Sun, Jun Zhang, Xianbin Wang, Shi Jin, and Hongbo Zhu, “Distributive Throughput Optimization for Massive Random Access of M2M Communications in LTE Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, in press 2020.
- Cailian Deng, Xuming Fang, Xiao Han, Xianbin Wang, Li Yan, Rong He, Yan Long, and Yuchen Guo, “IEEE 802.11be – Wi-Fi 7: New Challenges and Opportunities,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, in press 2020.
- Peng Chen, Zhimin Chen, Zhenxin Cao and Xianbin Wang, “A New Atomic Norm for DOA Estimation with Gain-Phase Errors,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, in press 2020.
- Qianqian Wang, Yongxu Zhu, and Xianbin Wang, “Incomplete Information Based Collaborative Computing in Emergency Communication Networks,” IEEE Communications Letter, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 2038 -2042, September 2020.
- Yushan Liu ; Shun Zhang ; Feifei Gao ; Jianpeng Ma ; Xianbin Wang, Uplink-Aided High Mobility Downlink Channel Estimation Over Massive MIMO-OTFS System, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 1994-2009, Sept. 2020.
- Penghui Shen, Yihong Qi, Xianbin Wang, Wei Zhang, and Wei Yu, “A 2×2 MIMO Throughput Analytical Model for RF Front End Optimization,” Journal of Communications and Information Networks, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.194-203, June 2020.
- Yanan Liu, Xianbin Wang, and Jie Mei, “Hybrid Multiple Access and Service-Oriented Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous QoS Provisioning in Machine Type Communications,” Journal of Communications and Information Networks, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.225-236, June 2020.
- Xuanheng Li, Ruyi Xiao, Miao Pan, Fan Jiang, Nan Zhao and Xianbin Wang, “Green Traffic Off-Loading over Uncertain Shared Spectrums with End-to-End QoS Guarantee,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, in press 2020.
- Sabin Bhandari; Xianbin Wang; Richard Lee, Mobility and Location-Aware Stable Clustering Scheme for UAV Networks, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 106364-106372, June 2020.
- Min Li; Helen Tang; Ahmed Refaey Hussein; Xianbin Wang, “A Sidechain-Based Decentralized Authentication Scheme via Optimized Two-Way Peg Protocol for Smart Community,” IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 1, pp. 282-292, Feb. 2020.
- He Fang, Angie Qi, and Xianbin Wang, “Fast Authentication and Progressive Authorization in Large-Scale IoT: How to Leverage AI for Security Enhancement?”, IEEE Network, vol.34, no.3, pp.24-29, May/June 2020.
- He Fang ; Xianbin Wang ; Li Xu, Fuzzy Learning for Multi-Dimensional Adaptive Physical Layer Authentication: A Compact and Robust Approach, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 5420 – 5432, August 2020
- Qianqian Wang; Qin Wang ; Shi Jin ; Hongbo Zhu ; Xianbin Wang, A hierarchical game model for computation sharing in smart buildings, China Communications, vol. 17, no. 3, 188 -204, March 2020.
- Qintuya Si; Minglu Jin ; Yunfei Chen ; Nan Zhao ; Xianbin Wang, Performance Analysis of Spatial Modulation Aided NOMA With Full-Duplex Relay, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 5, pp.5683-5687, May 2020.
- Li Yan; Xuming Fang; Xianbin Wang; Bo Ai, “AI-Enabled Sub-6-GHZ and mm-wave Hybrid Communications: Considerations for Use with Future HSR Wireless Systems,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 59-67, September 2020.
- Shree Krishna Sharma and Xianbin Wang, “Towards Massive Machine Type Communications in Ultra-Dense Cellular IoT Networks: Current Issues and Machine Learning-Assisted Solutions,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 22, no. 1, pp.426-471, 1st quarter, 2020.
- Tadilo Endeshaw Bogale; Xianbin Wang; Long Le, “Adaptive Channel Prediction, Beamforming and Scheduling Design for 5G V2I Network: Analytical and Machine Learning Approaches,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 5055 -5067, May 2020.
- Nan Zhao ; Yanxin Li ; Shun Zhang ; Yunfei Chen ; Weidang Lu ; Jingjing Wang ; Xianbin Wang, “Security Enhancement for NOMA-UAV Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 3994 -4005, April 2020.
- Zhenlong Xiao ; He Fang ; Xianbin Wang, “Nonlinear Polynomial Graph Filter for Anomalous IoT Sensor Detection and Localization,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 4839 – 4848, June 2020.
- Jiaju Qi ; Lei Lei ; Kan Zheng ; Xianbin Wang, “Patent Analytic Citation-Based VSM: Challenges and Applications,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 17464 – 17476, August 2020.
- Pengyi Jia, Xianbin Wang and Kan Zheng, “Distributed Clock Synchronization Based on Intelligent Clustering in Local Area Industrial IoT Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol 16, n0.6, pp. 3697-3707, June 2020.
- Cheng, X. Fang and Xianbin Wang, “Cloud Based mmWave WLANs: Architectural Paradigms, Proposals and Perspectives,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 27, no.1 pp. 170-177, Feb. 2020.
- Fuad Shamieh, and Xianbin Wang, “Steganographic-Based Header Size Reduction Technique for Multimedia Streams”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 28, no. 1, pp.399-412, Feb. 2020.
- Bingcai Chen, Yu Chen, Yang Cao, Yunfei Chen, Nan Zhao, Zhiguo Ding and Xianbin Wang, “Security Enhancement Using a Novel Two-Slot Cooperative NOMA Scheme”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 3470 – 3475, March 2020.
- Fang, Xianbin Wang and L. Hanzo, “Adaptive Trust Management for Soft Authentication and Progressive Authorization Relying on Physical Layer Attributes,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 2607- 2620, April 2020.
- Tianqi Yu and Xianbin Wang, “Topology Verification Enabled Intrusion Detection for In-Vehicle CAN-FD Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, vol.24, no. 1, pp.227-230, Jan. 2020.
- Liu, X. Wang, G. Boudreau, A. B. Sediq and H. Abou-zeid, “Deep Learning Based Hotspot Prediction and Beam Management for Adaptive Virtual Small Cell in 5G Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, vol. 4, no.1, pp.83-94, Feb. 2020.
- Guo, S. Zhang, N. Zhao and Xianbin Wang, “Performance of SWIPT for Full-Duplex Relay System with Co-Channel Interference,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, n0.2, pp. 2311-2315, Feb. 2020.
- Shuran Sheng, Ruitao Chen, Peng Chen, Xianbin Wang and Lenan Wu, “Futures-Based Resource Trading and Fair Pricing in Real-Time IoT Networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.9, no. 1, pp. 125-128, Jan. 2020.
- Anteneh Mohammed, S. Zhang, H. Li, N. Zhao and Xianbin Wang, "Capturing the Sparsity and Tracking the Channels for Massive MIMO Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 1, pp.685-699, Jan. 2020.
- Pu, H. Wu, K. Yan, Z. Gao, Xianbin Wang and W. Xiang, “Novel Three-Hierarchy Multiple-Tag-Recognition Technique for Next Generation RFID Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1237 – 1249, Feb. 2020.
- Jie Mei, Xianbin Wang, and Kan Zheng, “Intelligent Network Slicing for V2X Services Toward 5G,” IEEE Network, vol. 33, no. 6, pp.196-204, Dec. 2019.
- Lingyi Han, Kan Zheng, Long Zhao, Xianbin Wang and Xuemin Shen, “Short-Term Traffic Prediction based on Deep Cluster in Large-Scale Road Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019, vol 68, no. 12, pp. 12301-12313, Dec. 2019.
- Muye Li, Shun Zhang, Nan Zhao, Weile Zhang and Xianbin Wang, “Time-Varying Massive MIMO Channel Estimation: Capturing, Reconstruction and Restoration”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2019, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 7558-7572, Nov. 2019.
- Changwei Zhang, Xinghua Sun, Jun Zhang, Xianbin Wang, Shi Jin and Hongbo Zhu, “Throughput Optimization With Delay Guarantee for Massive Random Access of M2M Communications in Industrial IoT”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6, no. 6, pp. 10077-10092, Dec. 2019.
- Lei Lei, Huijuan Xu, Xiong Xiong, Kan Zheng, Wei Xiang and Xianbin Wang, “Multi-user Resource Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning in IoT Edge Computing”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, vol.6, no. 6, pp. 10119-10133, Dec. 2019.
- Tadilo Endeshaw Bogale, Long Bao Le, Xianbin Wang and Luc Vandendorpe, “Pilot Contamination Mitigation for Wideband Massive MIMO Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2019, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 7889-7906, Nov. 2019.
- He Fang, Xianbin Wang and Stefano Tomasin, “Machine Learning for Intelligent Authentication in 5G-and-Beyond Wireless Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications, Nov. 26, no. 5, pp.55-61, October 2019.
- Jin Young Kim, Yu Min Hwang, Young Ghyu Sun, Isaac Sim, Dong In Kim and Xianbin Wang, “Detection for Non-Technical Loss by Smart Energy Theft With Intermediate Monitor Meter in Smart Grid”, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 129043 - 129053, 2019.
- Peng Hao and Xianbin Wang, “Integrating PHY Security Into NDN-IoT Networks By Exploiting MEC: Authentication Efficiency, Robustness and Accuracy Enhancement”, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 792 - 806, Dec. 2019.
- Pei Zhou, Xuming Fang, Xianbin Wang and Li Yan, “Multi-Beam Transmission and Dual-Band Cooperation for Control/Data Plane Decoupled WLANs”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68, no. 10, pp. 9806 - 9819, Oct. 2019.
- Yuyan Zhao, Yanan Liu, Gary Boudreau, Akram Bin Sediq and Xianbin Wang, “Angle-Based Beamforming in mmWave Massive MIMO Systems with Low Feedback Overhead Using Multi-Pattern Codebooks”, China Communications, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 18 - 30, Sept. 2019.
- Jiyang Bai, He Fang, Junghoon Suh, Osama Aboul-Magd, Edward Au and Xianbin Wang, “An Adaptive Grouping Scheme in Ultra-Dense IEEE 802.11 ax Network Using Buffer State Report Based Two-Stage Mechanism”, China Communications, 16, no. 9, pp. 31 - 44, Sept. 2019.
- Peng Hao, Xianbin Wang and Aydin Behnad, “Amplify-and-forward relay identification using joint Tx/Rx I/Q imbalance-based device fingerprinting”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019:64, 2019.
- Gleb Dubosarskii, Serguei L. Primak and Xianbin Wang, “Evolution of Vehicle Network on a Highway”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 9088 - 9097, Sept. 2019.
- Yinglei Teng, Kang Cheng, Yong Zhang and Xianbin Wang, “Mixed-Timescale Joint Computational Offloading and Wireless Resource Allocation Strategy in Energy Harvesting Multi-MEC Server Systems”, IEEE Access, 7, pp. 74640 - 74652, 2019.
- Nan Zhao, Dongdong Li, Mingqian Liu, Yang Cao, Yunfei Chen, Zhiguo Ding and Xianbin Wang, “Secure Transmission via Joint Precoding Optimization for Downlink MISO NOMA”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68, no.8, pp. 7603 - 7615, Aug. 2019.
- Jeongho Kwak, Long Bao Le, Hongseok Kim and Xianbin Wang, “Two Time-Scale Edge Caching and BS Association for Power-Delay Tradeoff in Multi-Cell Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 5506 - 5519, Aug. 2019.
- Sabin Bhandari and Xianbin Wang, “Prioritized Clock Synchronization for Event Critical Applications in Wireless IoT Networks”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.19, no. 16, pp. 7120 - 7128, Aug. 2019.
- Fuad Shamieh and Xianbin Wang, “Dynamic Cross-layer Signalling Exchange for Real-time and On-demand Multimedia Streams”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 21, no. 8, pp.1893 - 1904, Aug. 2019.
- Bingcai Chen, Yu Chen, Yunfei Chen, Yang Cao, Zhiguo Ding, Nan Zhao and Xianbin Wang, “Secure Primary Transmission Assisted by a Secondary Full-Duplex NOMA Relay”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68, no. 7, pp. 7214 - 7219, July 2019.
- Lu Hou, Kan Zheng, Lei Lei and Xianbin Wang, “A Q-learning based proactive caching strategy for Non-safety related services in vehicular networks”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6, no. 3, pp.4512 - 4520, June 2019.
- Xiaohui Li, Qi Zhu and Xianbin Wang, “Privacy-Aware Crowdsourced Spectrum Sensing and Multi-User Sharing Mechanism in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks”, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 32971 - 32988, 2019.
- Shree Sharma and Xianbin Wang, “Collaborative Distributed Q-Learning for RACH Congestion Minimization in Cellular IoT Networks”, IEEE Communications Letters, 23, no. 4, pp. 600 - 603, April 2019.
- Tianqi Yu, Xianbin Wang and Abdallah Shami, “UAV-Enabled Spatial Data Sampling in Large-Scale IoT Systems Using Denoising Autoencoder Neural Network”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6, no. 2, pp.1856 - 1865, April 2019.
- Sicong Liu, Liang Xiao, Fen Lian Huang and Xianbin Wang, “Impulsive Noise Recovery and Elimination: A Sparse Machine Learning Based Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.68, no.3, pp. 2306-2315, March
- He Fang, Xianbin Wang and Lajos Hanzo, “Learning-Aided Physical Layer Authentication as an Intelligent Process”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67, no. 3, pp.2260 - 2273, March 2019.
- Liang Zhang, Wei Li , Yiyan Wu, Khalil Salehian, Sébastien Laflèche, Zhihong Hong, Sung-lk Park, Heung Mook Kim, Jae-Young Lee, Namho Hur, Xianbin Wang Pablo Angueira, and Jon Montalban, “Using Layered-Division-Multiplexing to Deliver Multi-Layer Mobile Services in ATSC 3.0”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol 65, no.1, pp. 40-52, March 2019.
- Yu Wu, Xuming Fang and Xianbin Wang, “Mobility Management through Scalable C/U-Plane Decoupling in IoV Networks”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol 57, no. 2, pp. 122-129, Feb. 2019.
- Pei Zhou, Xuming Fang, Xianbin Wang, Yan Long, Rong He and Xiao Han “Deep Learning Based Beam Management and Interference Coordination in Dense mmWave Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no.1, pp. 592-633, Jan. 2019.
- Peng Chen, Zhenxin Cao, Zhimin Chen and Xianbin Wang, “Off-Grid DOA Estimation Using Sparse Bayesian Learning in MIMO Radar with Unknown Mutual Coupling”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol 67, no. 1, pp. 208-220, Jan. 2019.
- Kan Zheng, Xianbin Wang, Yonghui Li and Periklis Chatzimisios, “IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Communication, Control, and Computation Issues in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.79285 - 79287, 2019.
International Standard Contributions (Selected)
- "Cloud Transmission for the ATSC 3.0 PHY Layer”, a proposal submitted the ATSC 3.0 PHY Layer CFP with CRC and ETRI, September 2013.
- DTV Transmitter Identification Using Embedded Pseudo Random Sequences, ITU-R Study Group 6E Meeting, March 2003, Geneva, Switzerland.
- ATSC Transmitter Identification Using 16-bit Kasami Sequences, Contribution to T3S9 (Advanced Television System Committee transmission group) for the ATSC A/110 standard on distributed transmission techniques.
Patents (Selected)
- X. Wang, “System, Method, and Apparatus for End-to-End Synchronization, Adaptive Link Resource Reservation and Data Tunnelling”, US Patent filed on June 24 2016.
- X. Wang, “Method and System Adaptive Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Using Precoded Cyclic Prefix”, US Patent 8,565,063 B2, Oct. 22, 2013
- X. Wang, "Method and Apparatus for Wireless Security Enhancement Using Multiple Attributes Monitoring, Continuous and Interleaved Authentication, and System Adaptation," US Patent 13/727,786, Dec. 2012.
- X. Wang and A. Refaey, “System, Apparatus and Methodology for Asymmetrical Transceiver in Short Range High Speed Wireless Communications”, US Patent, filed in Dec. 2012.
- X. Wang, "System Method and Apparatus for Integrated Local Area Locationing, Tracking and Communications," US Patent 13/044,233, filed March 2011.
- S. Park, H. Kim, M. Rahman, and X. Wang, ”Method and System for Effective DTV Transmitter Identification“, filed April. 2009.
- Xianbin Wang, Yiyan Wu, Benoit Ledoux, and Sebastien Lafleche “A Hybrid Domain Block Equalizer With Iterative Interference Cancellation For ATSC 8-VSB System”, Patent 2007/0064824, Mar. 2007.
- Xianbin Wang, "Method And Apparatus For Application Driven Adaptive Duplexing of Digital Subscriber Loops", US Patent 20030117963, June 26, 2003.
- Xianbin Wang, "Near-End Crosstalk Noise Minimization And Power Reduction For Digital Subscriber Loops", US Patent 20030112858, June 19, 2003
- Xianbin Wang, "Adaptive Duplexing of Digital Subscriber Loop", European Patent EP1322060, June 25, 2003.
- Yiyan Wu, Xianbin Wang, Bernard Caron, "Transmitter Identification System", Canada Patent CA2456 366, Jan. 30, 2004.
- Xianbin Wang, "Filter Bank for Long Ethernet Links", European Patent EP1420556, May 19, 2004.
- Xianbin Wang, "Asymmetrical Ethernet Transceiver for Long Reach Communications", US Patent 2004096004, May 20, 2004.
- Yiyan Wu, Xianbin Wang, Bernard Caron, "Transmitter Identification System", US Patent US2004187162, Sept 23, 2004.
- Xianbin Wang, "Near-end Crosstalk Noise Minimization and Power Reduction for Digital Subscriber Loop", European Patent EP1322101, June 25, 2003.
- Xianbin Wang, Yiyan Wu, "Multi-symbol Encapsulated OFDM System", US Patent, Filed on Sept. 29, 2004.
- Xianbin Wang, Yiyan Wu, Benoit Ledoux, and Sebastien Lafleche, "A Hybrid Domain Block Equalizer With Iterative Interference Cancellation For ATSC 8-VSB System", filed, Sept. 2006.
Technical Reports (Selected)
- “Security Enhancement and Authentication Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks”, an Interim Report to DRDC (PSTP02-325ESEC), 2012.
- “Multi-State Signal Detection and Identification in Watachdog Sensor Network”, an Interim Report to DRDC (PSTP02-325ESEC), 2011.
- “An Effective Rate Adaptation Algorithm for 802.11 using both Long-Term and Short Term Communication Performance and Environment Monitoring”, an Interim Report to TELoIP, May 2011.
- “Adaptive Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing”, an Interim Report (Western Innovation Fund).
- “Studies on Wireless Broadband Transmission Techniques for Cognitive Radio”, an Interim Report to Xidian University.
- Emergency Alert System Using ATSC TxID Signals, Final Project Report to ETRI, Jan. 2009
- Broadband Transmission Techniques in Multipath Fading Channels, a collaborative project report to Xidian University, Dec. 2006.
- Results of the Laboratory Evaluation of the Unlicensed Devices Interference to NTSC and ATSC DTV Systems in UHF-Band, Contract report to MSTV, Aug. 2004.
- Digital Terrestrial Television Transmission Systems for Rural and Remote Broadband Forward-Link Access, CRC RRBA Project, April 2003.
- Results of the Laboratory Evaluation of the Impact of Narrow and Wide band Signals Adjacent to TV channels, Contract report to Intel Corp., March 2003.
- The Effects of Narrowband and Wideband Operation from Public Safety Mobile Systems (in television channels 63/68) on Out of Band DTV and NTSC Signals, Contract report to Industry Canada, March 2003.
- DTV Emission Systems, 2003-2005 Spectrum Research Project Annual Report to Industry Canada.
- Timing recovery study for Manchester Encoded Data over Ethernet links, April, 2002, STMicroelectronics.
- AGC and Quantization noise study for 10Base-T system, Mar. 2002. STMicorelectronics.
- Quantization Effect in IFFT/FFT Implementation with Fixed-Point Format, May 2001, STMicroelectronics.
- Wordlength Requirement of DAC and ADC with Doubled FFT/IFFT Size, May 2001, STMicroelectronics.
- Study of the Jitter Performance on the Manchester Encoded Data Transmission over Ethernet, Feb. 2002, STMicroelectronics.
- LMS Equalizer Design for LMDS System, Centre for Wireless Communications, Nov. 2000.
- Design & Implementation of the Encoder/Decoder for the Turbo Product Code in LMDS system, Centre for Wireless Communications, July, 2000.
- Real-time Implementation of OFDM Transceiver for High Speed Data Transmission with the TMS320C62 DSP over Multipath Fading Channels, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Dec. 1999.