Co-op Fees
All students interested in taking part in a co-op opportunity are required to pay the application fee of $125.This fee is required each year that the student wishes to participate in the program. When a co-op is secured, the student will be charged a tuition fee of $550 per work term secured. These fees are not waived for students who secure an opportunity outside of Western Connect on their own.
The following fees are used to provide the following resources to Engineering students:
Support to students facing unique challenges while on their co-op work term.
Access to approved co-op opportunities available through Western Connect.
Process required documents requested from employer and for student to formalize co-op placement.
Audit student’s qualified to graduate with a co-op designation on their degree. (Undergraduate Only)
Request the addition of the Co-op Milestone to be added to student’s Record. (MEng Only)
Provide access to employment related workshop topics and industry night events for engineering students.
Access to Career Preparation Modules done before and after a co-op is secured.
Develop and organize the Career Mentor program to support students.