How to Name Your Web Files

Deciding what to name your Web files and folders can be an important part of creating your website. A search engine looks at the file name as an indication of what’s in the file, and so you need to use proper keywords as well as characters that search engines can read.

File names and folder names should contain only small letters, digits, and hyphens in Cascade CMS-no spaces, punctuation, or special characters.

We started to use hyphen (-) instead of underscore ( _ ) in Cascade CMS because Google treats a hyphen as a word separator, but does not treat an underscore that way. That’s why SEO URL links should use hyphens to separate words.

How to Name Items in Cascade CMS:

Image Names:

For instance, instead of naming your image like this:


Rename the file as you’re uploading it to describe it, something like this:


We recommend creating image names that are no more than four or five words in length - or around 30 characters.

Acceptable characters are the basic alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9) and the hyphen (-).

Image names must NOT include special characters, such as:

 ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } [ ] | \ / < > / ? , ; : ‘ “


File Names:

The same applies for file names. When naming your files, don’t leave spaces between words. Always use only the hyphen (-) and the basic alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9).


File names must NOT include special characters, such as:

 ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } [ ] | \ / < > / ? , ; : ‘ “


Folder Names:

The same applies for folder names you create in Cascade CMS. Make sure you name your folders without no spaces, punctuation, or special characters we mentioned above as you see those folder names on URL links.



Page Names:

The page name should contain only lowercase letters, digits, hyphens, and should be no more than 30 characters. Because your page names will become part of your Web page's URL, this will help optimize how the page is detected and promoted in search engines.



Acceptable characters are the basic alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9) and the hyphen (-).

Page names must NOT include special characters, such as:

 ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } [ ] | \ / < > / ? , ; : ‘ “