High School Co-op

Western Engineering offers placements for high school students looking to complete their co-op credit within the Faculty of Engineering. These placements are offered over the fall (September to January) and winter (February to June) terms only. Students must be enrolled in a co-op program at their high schoool during the term they are applying for. All placements are in-person and on campus.  

How does it work?

Eligible high school students can apply for potential co-op placements. We will assess applications on a rolling basis and will contact successful applicants as they are matched with an Engineering professor. 

Please be advised that we have limited co-op placements available each term and submitting an application does not gaurentee a placement within our program. We encourage applicants to apply as soon as they are able to as we assess applications on a rolling basis and a "first come, first serve" process.  

Once the co-op is approved, the co-op student is put in contact with the associated engineering department and is provided with all the necessary paperwork and training to start the co-op.

Our Outreach department checks in with our co-op students at the half-way point of the co-op placement to ensure that everything is going well.

How do I apply for a co-op?coop_small

Semester 2 co-op applications will open December 9, 2024.Check back soon! 

Be ready to submit the following documents with your application: Resume, Official Transcript, Letter of Intent (500 words max), and a Volunteer Information Form

When are applications due?

Applications close January 10, 2024.

Applicants will be contacted as they are matched with a professor and matches should be completed by January 17.

Please note: the application portal may close sooner than the intended date if all spots are filled. 

What if I have questions about co-op?

Please direct any of your concerns, comments or inquiries to the discover@uwo.ca or 519-661-2111 ext. 88826.