Supplemental Exams


Non-Graduating Students

Supplemental exams are the chance for students to rewrite a final exam (provided the following criteria are met) and progress through the program without having to repeat the course.  

  • Supplemental examination privileges apply only to final examinations in courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering (ENGSCI, CBE, CE, CEE, ECE, GPE, MME, MSE & SE).

  • Supplemental examination privileges do not apply to courses in which the student has received a passing grade.

  • It is the student’s responsibility to apply for a supplemental examination. Applications for supplemental exams will open on May 1st yearly and close on the third Friday in May.  Qualtrics survey link will be provided closer to this date. 

  • To be eligible, the student must:
    1. obtain a mark no more than 10% below the passing grade on the failed examination.
    2. obtain an overall course grade, computed using the term and failed examination but waiving the requirement that the student must pass the final examination to pass the course, of at least 50%.
    3. obtain a passing mark in the laboratory component of the course, if a laboratory component is present.
    4. obtain a term average for courses completed in that particular academic year, including the failed course, of at least 60%.

  • Both first term and second term supplemental exams will be written in-person during the Intersession Examination period in June as scheduled by the Registrar’s Office.  Special permission must be requested, during the application process, if a student needs to write an exam off-campus.

  • A student can write supplemental examinations for a maximum of two courses per academic year.

  • Supplemental examinations are not allowed for any course(s) taken in the summer.

  • No student is permitted to write more than one supplemental examination for any one course.

  • Each supplemental examination shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $100.

  • The original mark will remain on the academic record, a summer line of registration will be opened; the student will be “registered” in the course and will receive a PAS or FAI.

Please note that your professor will be notifying us if you are eligible to write a supplemental exam and this decision will be final. Once you have indicated your intention to write a supplemental exam through the application system, we will notify you of your eligibility.

Graduating Students

A student who is in the final year of the BESc program and has applied to graduate in the Spring Convocation may be granted supplemental examination privileges provided that the student has earned:

  1. a failing grade in no more than one full or two half-courses;
  2. a mark of at least 40% in the failed course(s);
  3. a weighted average of at least 60% in the courses that make up the fourth year program (including the failed courses);
  4. an overall average of at least 60% in all the courses that are required for the BESc degree.

A supplemental exam can be in any course in any year BUT the student has to be enrolled in the course in their final year. Supplemental examination privileges apply only to courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering.  The student is only allowed to write a maximum of 2 exams.

Permission to write supplemental examinations will be granted only after the academic results for students in their final year have been reviewed by the Faculty at a meeting held during the month of May.

These examinations will be scheduled during the examination period for Intersession.*

*Note: The original grade obtained by the student will not be changed; rather, a Summer Line of Registration with the course and a grade of PAS or FAl will be added to the Academic Record upon the completion of the Supplemental Examination.