Tutor Information

First Year Students

Super Tutor Program/PAL (Peer Assisted Learning) Collaboration

Some of Western Engineering's top students are available to help first year students with FREE peer-to-peer tutoring in any of the first year courses. All first year Engineering students are welcome!

For all the dates and times please visit the PAL Centre


All Students

Engineering Tutors

These tutors are not employed by the Faculty of Engineering so we cannot guarantee their performance. The arrangement you make, including any fees, is completely between you and your tutor.

Some of these tutors are course instructors or graduate teaching assistants (GTA). They are not able to tutor you in a course that they have been assigned as a course instructor or GTA. If the Faculty knows this is happening, both parties will be committing an academic offence and subject to severe academic penalties.

Please allow a 1-3 day reply time frame.  Be sure to place in the subject line: Tutor Assistance Request.

If you are interested in adding your name to the list of available tutors, please fill out the online form.