Employment Insights
Salary Stats
The hourly wage range for the Master of Engineering (MEng) Co-op Program last year was $18.00 - $35.00/hr. Factors that typically influence wage include years of academic study completed, previous work experience, extracurricular activities, job location, and industry sector.
Wages offered for the Master of Engineering (MEng) Co-op program are at the discretion of the employer and must meet or exceed minimum wage standards for the work location, and be based on full-time hours (30 hours or more per week, as defined by Statistics Canada).
Geographic Distribution of Work Placements
Past Summer Co-op Work Locations:
- London & Surrounding Area
- Sarnia, Chatham, Windsor
- Kitchener/Waterloo, Guelph, Hamilton
- Greater Toronto Area
- Other Ontario
- Quebec
- Alberta
- Canada West (other)
- United States of America
- International