Program Deliverables


Engineering Career Services will stay in touch with you while you are on co-op to keep you informed of important dates, deadlines, and updates from Western Engineering. Be sure to check your Western email account regularly.

Co-op Deliverables:

  1. Contact Form - Complete during the first two weeks of work term start date.
  2. Placement Check-In Form  - Due approximately (6) weeks after the work term start

Employer Performance Evaluation

For MEng Co-ops of 4-months:

  1. Final Evaluation - To be completed just prior to completion of the work term.

 For MEng-GDip Co-ops of 8-months:

  1. Preliminary Evaluation - To be completed four months after the start of the work term.
  2. Final Evaluation - To be completed just prior to completion of the work term.
  3. Faculty Coordinated Employer Site Visit.

MEng Co-op Reports

Placement of 4 and 8- months: Due the 15th of the last month of co-op.

  1. MEng Report Guidelines


4-month Co-op Deliverables

8- Month Co-op Deliverables

Personal Contact Information Form

Personal Contact Information Form

Placement Chek-In Form

Placement Chek-In Form

Employer Final Evaluation

Employer Preliminary Evaluation

MEng Co-op Report

Faculty Coordinated Employer Site Visit


Final Employer Evaluation


MEng Co-op Report

*Failure to comply with any of the above deliverables will result in receiving an incomplete milestone in each of the Co-op courses*

All deliverables are to be submitted using the OWL Co-op Course Site.