Our Programs
Western Engineering Outreach
Spencer Engineering Building
SEB 2091
London, ON N6A 59B
Tel: 519-661-2111, ext. 88826
Go ENG Girl Events
What is Go ENG Girl?
Go ENG Girl is an opportunity for Grade 7-10 girls and non-binary youth to learn about the wonderful world of engineering. Parents and guardians are invited to join, too!
The event is free! The purpose of the event is to target girls during their formative years and raise their awareness about the engineering profession. This introduction to engineering will hopefully inspire them to take science courses throughout secondary school, keeping doors open for them to pursue careers in engineering and STEM.
- hear a keynote address from a woman in engineering
- do hands-on engineering activities
- ask questions to a panel of engineering students and industry professionals (there is also a specialized panel for parents)
- receive light refreshments and swag giftbags
2024 Go ENG Girl Events
Registration is Now Open!
Go ENG Girl Sarnia Sponsored by NOVA Chemicals– Saturday, October 19, 2024 – 10:00am-1:00pm
Our Sarnia event takes place at the Western Sarnia-Lambton Research Park. We are excited to have NOVA Chemicals as our lead sponsor once again, and welcome CF Industries and Imperial Oil as additional sponsors.
To register for our Sarnia event, click here.
Go ENG Girl London – Saturday, October, 26, 2024 – 9:00am-12:00pm
Our London event takes place at Western University campus. We are excited to have Ingredion and IFAB Partners sponsor the event this year.
To register for our London event, click here.
Thank you to our Sponsors: