Our Programs
Western Engineering Outreach
Spencer Engineering Building
SEB 2091
London, ON N6A 59B
Tel: 519-661-2111, ext. 88826
ENGSquad: Just for Girls Mentorship Program
What is ENG Squad?
ENG Squad is a FREE STEM mentorship program for girls. The program connects high school student mentees with undergraduate engineering student mentors. Together, mentees and mentors participate in industry tours, hands-on workshops, and networking events. This experiential learning opportunity aims to increase women and girls' feelings of enthusiasm and belonging in engineering. Western Engineering Outreach welcomes all who identify to participate.
ENG Squad Schedule 2025
This FREE program happens in three installments over three dates. Please ensure you mark all three dates in your calendar to ensure you can attend all three events! More details about times and locations will be shared with registrants closer to the event date.
Day 1: Saturday, March 8 at Western University from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Day 2: Friday, March 14 at Masco Canada from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (transportation from Western’s campus provided, please note this is during March Break)
Day 3: Saturday, March 29 at Western University from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Registration is now open for ENG Squad 2025!
To register, please complete the form linked below. Please note that there are separate registration forms for high school students (mentees) and undergraduate students (mentors). Be sure to select the form that’s right for you!
Register as a high school student (mentee)
Register as an undergraduate student (mentor)
To learn more about the ENGSquad program, please email Western Engineering Outreach at discover@uwo.ca.